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Community Rating: 3.138 / 5  (29 votes)
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Great Card. Used it in a white deck with a heap of Goldmeadow Harriers and flying monsters with double strike.
Posted By: Catsy (10/8/2011 7:06:45 PM)


See that big staff? The one with the blade on it? Yeah. He uses that to clean the lunchroom after the kids are done eating.
Posted By: Hevaen (2/12/2011 10:38:30 PM)


I think this guy is awesome! He keeps my creatures alive and he keeps me alive. A lot of cards out there do something nasty when they dealing damage to a creature or player. That's no longer a problem with this dude. Especially when you have a couple of them.
Posted By: Blobnoid (8/20/2010 10:22:14 AM)


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