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Community Rating: 4.309 / 5  (76 votes)
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The seals are awesome, they NEED to bring them back. With all the enchantress and other creatures that get a bonus from enchantments, this is so handy. Plus, as long as this guy's out, your opponent won't dare play a platinum angel or anything. It can't even be countered by most spells once it's in play! Awesome stuff, and allows for some real fun combos.
Posted By: BetrayerKol (6/14/2010 2:22:39 AM)


The real way it works, like all the seals, is to not sacrifice it. By leaving it in play, he has to hold his play in order to bait you into sacrificing it. Excellent implied lock-down card.
Posted By: bantar (6/18/2012 4:27:16 PM)


i wouldn't say this is strictly worse than aura of silence. there are times when aura of silence just isnt fast enough..running a copy or two of this alongside aura of silence is your best bet..
Posted By: zenitramleirdag (9/14/2012 3:56:16 AM)


People tend to overlook the fact that Seals can be played before any threat is on the board, either make your opponent hesitate to play anything or to destroy an otherwise hard to kill artifact (like an Isochron Scepter with a Counterspell on it).
Posted By: Cyberium (12/31/2011 6:36:49 PM)


Absolutely an awesome for a common, but I prefer Aura of Silence.
Posted By: mrredhatter (10/5/2009 8:00:28 AM)


Seal of Disenchant is more like it...
Posted By: OpenSeasonNoobs (5/31/2010 4:34:46 AM)


The Disenchant to Seal of Primordium's Naturalize. This came first, but the latter of the two is seen as more in-color.
Posted By: Continue (12/29/2013 7:54:05 PM)


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