Set a scheme in motion during the extra turn? Dan, I'm not a Republic serial villain. Do you seriously think I'd reveal my crushing masterstroke if there remained the slightest chance of you affecting the outcome? I set my scheme into motion thirty-five minutes ago.
Posted By:
(7/28/2010 4:50:01 PM)
This belongs in every scheme deck anybody ever plays.
Posted By:
(6/26/2010 8:56:12 PM)
@baconradar; Thats where your deck comes in. Schemes are nice, but a true archenemy has a deck full of flavor, powerful cards, and devastating setbacks for the opponents.
Posted By:
(12/22/2010 4:42:58 PM)
This can be absolutely devastating, but it can also be pretty much the last thing you'd want to flip over from your scheme deck. If you're in a situation where you still have basically all your enemies alive and in a strong position, this is considerably less useful than a whole load of the 'scaling' schemes
Posted By:
(8/12/2010 9:06:21 AM)
"Hey guys, how can we make the second most broken card in Magic history even worse?" "Um....make it cost 1u less?" "Great! Let's go get pizza."
Posted By:
(7/16/2010 10:53:13 PM)
Time Walk. For free. 5 stars.
Posted By:
(6/25/2010 1:58:27 AM)
It looks like someone left an open italics bracket.
Posted By:
(4/16/2011 1:05:38 PM)
Very strong 5/5. For flavour I prefer the promo card Plots that span centuries which at the time of writing seems strangely missing from the Gatherer data base. For those of you not familiar it lets you reveal 3 schemes next turn instead of one, leading to a very powerful turn especially if you flip certain combos or 3 ongoing schemes.
Posted By:
(5/4/2011 12:55:14 PM)
I think people overrate this card somewhat. In a typical Archenemy game of 1 vs. 3, the one player gets 1 bonus card draw and 20 extra life at the start of the game (obviously). Aside from those two advantages, the Scheme deck is supposed to make up for the disadvantage of having 2 additional players against you. Simply taking an extra turn only does you so much good when your opponents have 3 turns or more.
Certainly a good card, but far from overpowered. A free Time Warp is not nearly as good as the free Insurrection provided by My Crushing Masterstroke, or the free Violent Ultimatum provided by Tooth, Claw, and Nail.
Posted By:
(1/14/2011 7:39:11 PM)
I think they fixed it, or at least prevent new ones from causing the issue, because I can't seem to get it to work. :-(
Posted By:
(6/29/2011 11:55:12 PM)