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Comparing to Browse:
-is colorless
-its CMC and ability cost are 1 less
-situational: it depends from the creatures you have to sacrifice, and if you don't have any you can't play its ability...
-sacrifice a creature Vs nothing
-variable "dig" Vs constant 5 cards...
-you have to reveal the cards

It's not bad, but I think that you have to sacrifice creature with at least 3-4 power to get some real use, and using it only in response to removal is quite questionable... While Browse is clearly a control card, this isn't because in a control you play a few creature, and you have to protect them, while an aggro deck don't play this because it prefer to play another creature instead. And while you can sacrifice tokens to phyrexian vault or carnage altar (even 0-power tokens), with the eye you don't have many more benefits over them because you have to reveal the cards. The vault and the altar have 1 mana less in their CMC or abil... (see all)
Posted By: leomistico (9/25/2011 10:31:12 AM)


beats phyrexian vault, carnage altar
Posted By: metalevolence (4/6/2010 6:11:47 PM)


costs more than both and reveals and exiles your cards...
but decent nonetheless due to choice.
Posted By: Kryptnyt (10/8/2010 1:45:11 AM)


Steep cost for an on-board trick and a hefty price to get it on the field as well, but I can see this winning games if they go long. Getting sorta-kinda Impulse out of a creature is pretty strong.
Posted By: Shiizu (1/22/2011 9:40:10 AM)


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