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Community Rating: 4.443 / 5  (79 votes)
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Worked great in control decks back when it was in Standard, and now it's seeing play in Vintage. Solid card, this.
Posted By: SyntheticDreamer (9/24/2012 6:24:55 PM)


Just like Smokestack, in the hands of a vet (or just someone who understands the stack) you get a massive tempo advantage if you want by forcing the opponent to have a much worse effect.

Keep a throne of geth around to either add counters or get rid of the effects of either artifact (especially smokestack) before they hit you again.

Add a finisher or 3, another sac outlet, and some things that can be done at instant speed so your tempo keeps moving while their halts (think Wayfarer's Bauble or explorer's map)
Posted By: blurrymadness (5/21/2013 12:23:05 PM)


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