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Aaron’s Random Card Comment of the Day #77, 6/6/11

Tribal lords were such an amazing thing to have gotten right at the game’s inception, and I tip my proverbial hat to Richard Garfield for nailing the idea of the flavorful build-around as well as he did.

Zombie Master debuted alongside his more powerful brethren Lord of Atlantis and Goblin King in Alpha and lasted in the Core Sets for a decade—through Sixth Edition—before Seventh Edition became the first Core Set without a Zombie lord.

As charming as Zombie Master was—as a younger man, I certainly included him in decks to enhance my Scathe Zombies—he lagged pretty far behind his Goblin and Merfolk counterparts in the power department. A long look at Alpha had me guessing that the existence of the card Bad Moon kept Richard from putting the lordly +1/+1 bonus on Zombie Master—I can imagine him not wanting two black rares tha... (see all)
Posted By: Aaron_Forsythe (6/6/2011 11:58:09 PM)


May be too good to reprint. I mean, there are Zombies other then Scathes these days.
Posted By: A3Kitsune (7/31/2010 12:46:26 PM)


IMHO all lords should be in print at leat in Extended.
Posted By: tavaritz (5/18/2011 1:56:00 PM)


Aaron's logic on the non-symmetry of tribal lords is utterly correct and also very sad. I pine for the days when Magic's goal was to be the best possible representation of its fantasy flavor, rather than the best game to play. Amusing pastimes are a dime a dozen, but classic stories live forever, so I feel that this was making the wrong decision, albeit for the perfectly understandable reason of liking to have a job.
Posted By: willpell (7/11/2011 6:02:16 AM)


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