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This would be just SICK with a Ferrovore in play. Especially in Standard...
Posted By: Jedijoe (5/9/2011 2:34:59 AM)


5/5 for costing ONE GODDAMN MANA.
Posted By: blindthrall (5/9/2011 11:53:15 PM)


I think this will be a powerhouse. Coupled with spellbombs and replicas this can get absurdly huge. Definitely underrated in my opinion.
Posted By: PhyrexianFryCook (5/12/2011 5:57:08 PM)


I love it. Early game it's as innocuous as can be, but by mid-to-late game this guy can be upward of 6/6 for one mana (think wellsprings and perilous myr with sac outlets, not to mention baubles and spellbombs...). Fantastic art, too!
Posted By: Cubozoan (5/14/2011 6:00:29 AM)


Arcbound Ravager's new best friend.
Posted By: Vadoff (5/14/2011 9:04:19 AM)


With all the spellbombs, wellsprings, and artifact-creatures-who-die-in-combat, this certainly has uses, but I have found that unless you are planning on deliberately sacrificing your artifacts to cards like Artillerize and Rusted Slasher, it will not be as big as you want it to be when you want it to be. Thinking about this card as something like a 6-drop for one mana is wrong, for the six-drop in question can be dropped on turn six. This, in most scenarios, will still be a 2/2 or 3/3 on turn six. Not quite the same impact. Originally I was gunning for this card, and saying it was 6th-pick worthy (not exactly spectacular for a rare, but still). Now I'd say you're gonna be better off picking him 8th unless you know you're going to be running artifact sac.
Posted By: Selez (5/15/2011 12:46:45 AM)


in response to some of the naysayers, there is a whole underlying mechanic to sacrificing artifacts in scars block, it will be quite easy to make slag fiend big, and also benefit from the wellspring like artifacts that have effects when they go to the graveyard....piston sledge anyone?
Posted By: apocolypse_warbear (5/15/2011 11:09:53 AM)


**QUESTION**- If I turn my color permanents into artifacts, then the artifact turned color perminants go to the graveyard, at what point EXACTLY are they no longer artifacts? My point, which I'm sure needs no explanation, If I have idk, 6 perminants turned artifact that I sweep during my main phase, is it possible for me to tap (r) to summon Fiend, give haste somehow and then swing for 6??
Posted By: Mike-C (5/30/2011 7:21:41 AM)


Notably that guy is the first nonartifact Construct, and the second one to be colored right after Arsenal Thresher.

A Construct or a Golem having colors and not being an artifact feels kinda weird to me. Even the tokens created by Stone Idol Trap are colorless for instance :P
Posted By: Mode (7/15/2011 2:48:28 PM)


Not having the */*+1 template like Tarmogoyf does hurt. Not being an artifact creature (I wonder if it's the same kind of construct misprint as Walking Atlas in Worldwake - that creature was printed without "Artifact" in its typeline) actually makes it worse, because if it were, then multiples in your graveyard would buff the ones you still have in play. All in all, Death's Shadow has the enormous 1-drop role pretty much covered.

Here's a potential nuts draw in the current Standard environment that makes Fiend good.
Turn 1
Mountain, Mox Opal, Mox Opal, Mox Opal, Mox Opal, Slag Fiend is a 4/4.

Their turn 1 (If they're Tempered Steel)
Inkmoth Nexus, Mox Opal, Memnite, Memnite, Dispatch your Slag Fiend. Your face = :(

Their Turn 1 (If they're everyone else)
Land, Dismem... (see all)
Posted By: DacenOctavio (7/31/2011 12:55:43 AM)


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