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Reveal Chancellor of the Forge from your opening hand
swamp Tainted Strike
4 Mutagenic Growths
turn one infect
Posted By: TheHoovedOne. (7/5/2012 4:06:20 PM)


Purphoros, God of the Forge's best friend. In a token EDH deck, these two together usually kill all of your opponents.
Posted By: Keiya (9/19/2013 6:02:30 AM)


the flavor for this picture is great. theres the chancellor bellowing with the little goblin he brings out next to him. then theres the goblin in the back waiting to have the hasty horde behind the hill all attack at once. 5/5
Posted By: mahora31 (7/26/2011 9:47:40 PM)


Huh. I'm surprised no one has mentioned Rite of Replication. Kicked on this guy for 31*n hasty goblins, where n is the number of Creatures you control as triggers start resolving? Seems pretty alright to me. (especially since you'd have at least 5 guys, for a bare minimum 155 goblins)
Posted By: Razbot (6/22/2011 1:07:50 PM)


+ Splinter Twin for stupidly huge hordes of goblins.
Posted By: Paleopaladin (7/25/2011 9:57:15 AM)


I'm all for standard but how's this for a 4 card 1st turn combo...

Open with Chancellor of the Forge, Blazing Shoal, Assault Strobe and Mutagenic Growth... and one mountain.

Show the Chancellor to get the 1/1 goblin with haste... give him double strike with the Strobe... cast the Shoal by discarding the Chancellor and make the goblin a 8/1... sac 2 life and play the Growth to make him a 10/3 (with double strike) and attack before your opponent plays his first land. And then ask... 'Would you like to Mulligan?'
Posted By: collision562 (5/16/2011 9:39:24 PM)


He would have been overpowered if he made 2, a Kuldotha Rebirth deck could easily deal 14 damage by turn 2 with a Goblin Bushwhacker.
Posted By: Revelation666 (4/28/2011 4:36:04 PM)


Double your creatures, and they all have haste is an ability that should cost 4RedRed, but could maybe slide at 3RedRed. You get the 5/5 body PLUS the extra hasty goblin that counts this chancellor's body for 1Red.
There are more exciting things, especially various dragons, at his cost until you have at about 4 or more creatures in play. Therefore I think it is ridiculous to waste a geosurge on this thing. This guy wants to come out mid to late game, not as early as possible. If you are going to pay a slot in your deck and give up card advantage to get a cool creature quickly with geosurge, this one is not an exciting choice.

If you have a sacrifice engine, you can play this and sac Furystoke Giant to give all the hasty goblins the double tim ability. One of the most limiting things about the Furystroke Giant is that you can't use the creatures with summoning sickness.
Posted By: kiseki (5/18/2011 11:56:44 AM)


When you're playing aggro with battle-cry thrown in, bring this guy out, and you'll surely have your opponent crying for the battle to be over.
Posted By: NocteMundi (4/30/2011 12:33:22 PM)


@supagama: No. Or at least, not a normal mulligan, anyway. You can't use the opening hand abilities of him or any other card in your hand until you are done taking mulligans. However, there is one card that gives you a mulligan as an opening hand ability. If you get that card in your opening hand, you can use it's ability to take a mulligan after having used the opening hand abilities of CotF and whatever else is in your hand. This only works because it's a mulligan as a result of an ability and not a normal mulligan.
Posted By: A3Kitsune (5/4/2011 4:35:17 AM)


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