@Riftenblack: No. There are several things you don't take into account.
1) Midnight Haunting is an instant. That makes it far more useful.
2) This card is conditional. The two powerful cards you mentioned are both unconditional and great in most situations. This card is only great in these specific situations.
3) Thragtusk is green. Sure, they both give life and tokens but it's not a valid comparison. Green always has the most efficient large creatures, white has lots of small aggressive creatures.
Posted By:
(3/10/2013 12:13:31 PM)
Purphoros, God of the Forge is not always kind but has a softness for potential 12 point life total swings!
Posted By:
(11/22/2013 6:14:33 AM)
Strictly better when losing.
Posted By:
(7/8/2011 9:13:31 AM)
> Unfortunately, this card is a 'lose less' card, where it only does something if you are worse off than your opponent.
Why is that unfortunate? If you're already winning, then you'll still be winning when you draw this. And if you're not already winning, this will help tip the balance towards you winning. Either way, the result is good for you.
It's win-more cards which are pointless, not lose-less.
Posted By:
(7/8/2011 5:34:06 PM)
Damn you people. Simple lifegain is shit, as you feel the need to mention on every single lifegain card. Now that you get lifegain and tokens, its still shit cause...it gets you life when you need it? Whilst giving you three creatures? Geez.
This was wonderful at the prerelease. I would let them play a creature and hit me for 1, then I'd play this. Nothing like having 3 creatures and 25 life when all they have is one and 20 life =)...all for one well-timed card.
Posted By:
(7/12/2011 5:23:39 AM)
Aw man! My hand is full of all these worthless "lose less" cards. Pretty soon I won't even be losing at all! I scoop.
Posted By:
(7/12/2011 11:24:27 PM)
exactly what control needs to win. time.
anything else and your probably doing something too specific with an underwhelming card
Posted By:
(7/19/2011 11:23:02 PM)
Always play it on the draw. Less life will usually be 17 vs 20, and fewer creatures will usually be 1 vs 2. Or 0 vs 1. For a card that is meant to swing games, the shift seems pretty subtle. This has me thinking about Survival Cache, though the two should never be in the same deck.
Posted By:
(7/8/2011 5:39:57 AM)
Not particularly timely at sorcery speed.
Posted By:
(7/7/2011 7:03:46 PM)
I HATE THIS CARD, EFF you Wizards for printing non-stop red hosing white cards, this card is extremely overpowered against aggro, there is NO WAY 3 mana should get you all of that. It completely hoses aggro, not just mono-red but almost any aggro, vampires also has a very difficult time against this.
They know that aggro is almost always the most budget-friendly archetype (since it doesn't involve overpowered 50-100$ planeswalkers like control) so they keep printing cards that singlehandedly win the game against red decks like Kor Firewalker and now this. That way players need to spend a ton of money to win.
Posted By:
(8/13/2011 8:31:59 AM)