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Posted By: Deco_y (7/7/2011 8:59:21 PM)


Decent ability, but not too fond of the art personally :(
Posted By: Raszero (7/9/2011 4:13:41 PM)


Really dig this card, but I'll agree that it could use new art.
Posted By: Fearsomecritter (7/11/2011 2:20:00 PM)


So much worse than Puresteel Paladin. Costs one more, Puresteel has another relevant ability, and also Equipments are better supported with cheap living weapons around.

Also, Enchantresses are supposed to be beautiful. Therefore, they are supposed to be green, like Argothian and Verduran were.
Posted By: Gabriel422 (7/28/2011 6:04:08 PM)


I tried to make her work last night in a draft deck with 3 Pascifisms and 3 Arachnus Webs. Total flop. Card advantage is neat, but when I have to cast two enchantments just to get value out of it (this is considering dropping her is a wasted card in and of itself as a 0/2), and one or two of those extra cards are often lands, it just seems like you need to work too hard to get anything out of it. That and half the time I have her, I want to cast something more aggressive, or I've already used my pacifisms. This cards a miss for me personally.
Posted By: j2los (9/9/2011 1:53:36 PM)


And why is this card a rare?
Posted By: Gcrudaplaneswalker (9/18/2011 8:49:46 PM)


Not nearly as good as it looks on paper.
Posted By: blindthrall (7/8/2011 5:03:13 AM)


Too expensive and too easy to get rid of. Plus she can't attack (without help). I don't know. I think blindthrall has it right, she looks like she'll be excellent but I think in practice she'll be a slot wasted.
Posted By: AngelPhoenix (7/21/2011 12:00:56 PM)


Could have used better art. I hate her hair. She looks like a weathervane
Posted By: Kryptnyt (10/17/2011 4:19:28 PM)


Compare to Puresteel Paladin..
Puresteel is able to move around equipment to whoever needs it, has 0cmc cards to play, is 1 mana cheaper, and can attack on its own.
Mesa has a higher number of auras that return to hand when they're sent to the graveyard, and doesn't care if the enchantment is countered.

I think i'll stick with equipment for now.

Edit: I had forgotten about non-aura enchantments (forgive me..), but i still prefer equipment.
Posted By: BastianQoU (8/1/2011 2:50:21 PM)


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