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Community Rating: 3.042 / 5  (36 votes)
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I like most of the cycle, this one included. Some of them were just a little too weak as creatures for me to forgive them though.
Posted By: TPmanW (3/15/2011 4:59:46 PM)


God, the art is just so, so good. Not a bad card, either.
Posted By: The_Murderauder (5/27/2012 1:27:00 AM)


@WilloftheLisp - Why? A recluse is a type of spider; just because there's another definition of 'recluse', it doesn't preclude the usage here.
Posted By: Alsebra (8/24/2012 11:51:40 AM)


I like the art on this spider.
This cycle is really underrated, theyre all pretty big creatures with cycling, pretty good for some kind of mass reanimate.
Posted By: Kryptnyt (9/11/2010 5:59:54 AM)


I feel this card is under-rated. I use him in my Doran EDH deck. If I draw him early, I cycle him to pull a Bayou, Scrubland or Savannah out of my deck which is always a huge help. If I draw him once my mana is stabilized, I play him as a creature. He also works great because my mostly treefolk Doran deck has no flying creatures and no other creatures with reach. With Doran out, he can swap with Thundermaw Hellkite and other 5/5 flyers. Its his versatility which makes him great. I love the art work also. An easy 4/5 stars for casual and EDH formats.
Posted By: The_Jabberwocky (5/5/2013 9:51:42 PM)


Pale Recluse with 'Reach'.

Should Wizards' HR get in touch with this card's designer?
Posted By: WilloftheLisp (6/24/2011 6:17:36 PM)


Everyone loves dem Esper curves.
Posted By: Goatllama (10/22/2012 4:50:06 PM)


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