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This guy seems fairly innocuous until you find a way to make it do multiple instances of damage per turn. I've killed several players using Asps enchanted with Hermetic Study and Instill Energy. When its your upkeep and you suddenly realize you need to pay 4 mana or take 4 in the shorts, the Asps suddenly look like a more threatening target.

That combo also works really well with Sabertooth Cobra, which is the much nastier cousin of this guy.

@UNBAN_SHAHRAZAD: Actually, the Green Savannah Lions is Mtenda Lion.
Posted By: yyukichigai (9/5/2011 8:23:35 PM)


Not everyone's cup of tea, but my favourite card, used to have great fun with it, and got to a Mox-a-Month final in London with them and also used them to great effect in a PTQ semi-final.
Posted By: NafsAsp (3/15/2012 5:34:25 AM)


@Equinox523: Actually, the loss of life is the original wording. It was changed in 4th.
Posted By: JimT70 (4/3/2012 9:49:53 AM)


It's too bad they changed "damage" to "loss of life", or else this creature would be shooting you for insane amounts of damage with just one uncontested hit.
Posted By: Equinox523 (5/15/2009 7:48:33 AM)


Say this card's name ten times fast in a row without misspeaking.
A real tongue twister - great name.

The card itself is not that powerful, but i agree with Equinox, although the loop in the original wording was most likely unintended.
Posted By: Mode (9/27/2009 4:53:56 PM)


Pretty good. Essentially a green Savannah Lions.
Posted By: UNBAN_SHAHRAZAD (8/22/2009 11:14:01 PM)


i have a better one: say mage maze 10 timesc very fast. real toughne twister
Posted By: darkcider (2/9/2010 11:10:55 AM)


Think about it this way: It makes any land a painland.

If you pay it you don't get to use that mana, but if you don't, you pay one life for that mana. So if you know you need that mana take the damage.
Posted By: tavaritz (4/28/2011 12:01:23 AM)


Dat asp.
Posted By: Studoku (7/15/2013 11:56:25 AM)


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