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Community Rating: 3.891 / 5  (32 votes)
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Classic ramp card. Llanowar Elves have the same ramping tied to a creature, but are vulnerable to more removal in most environments. Wild Growth also synergizes with anything that let's you untap lands - e.g. Garruk, Urza-block 'free' spells, etc.
Posted By: VampireCat (1/14/2011 10:58:16 AM)


Now that we don't have manaburn this is as safe as it gets.
Posted By: tavaritz (5/21/2011 4:08:24 PM)


I wonder how much use you'd get out of it if you placed it on an opponent's land?
I guess it'd really be too sporadic to be counted on if you need the extra mana for that Fog you're saving, but it could also be a deterrent for your opponent, kinda like green land destruction.

Meh, I'm keeping it on my own lands.
Posted By: BastianQoU (3/8/2012 5:51:36 PM)


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