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I'm excited to obtain a playset of these for my amateur lifegain combo deck. Previously it planned on gaining infinite life and hoping for Test of Endurance to stick, but this is even better. Very good flavor too.
Posted By: jsttu (1/26/2012 3:37:09 PM)


my life gain dead beckons for this... ditto @jsttu, only i've taken out test of endurance and put in felidar sovereign.
Posted By: raptorman333 (1/27/2012 10:25:41 AM)


There's just something that sounds so dirty about "Target player loses 5 life" on an artifact that can so easily be untapped. I LOVE IT
Posted By: WarioMan (1/29/2012 12:38:37 PM)


Am I the only one thinking about making copies of it once it's transformed?
Posted By: dberry02 (2/1/2012 2:04:55 AM)


Definately a good addition to my monowhite life gain deck - now i don't need to find Felidar Sovereigns anymore!

Very solid, and transforming into this isn't hard at all.
Posted By: Carkki (2/3/2012 1:35:42 AM)


This card encouraged me to make a lifegain deck. Now if I can get the good lifegain cards I need without having to spend a crap load of money I don't have...
Posted By: Binaro (2/9/2012 7:23:33 PM)


A surprisingly effective tool for a modern Soul Sisters deck. After you've pumped your life up enough to take advantage of Serra Ascendant you can take them out with a minimum of 5 a turn.
Posted By: Serev (3/16/2012 12:16:00 AM)


This is a niche card. However, it fills its niche very well.

Think of it in an orzhov deck. This will flip by turn five or so, then become a fast clock. If you are extorting, this has to only activate twice to kill. It also gives you margin with the life gain.

Basically, this is perfect for an orzhov bleeder deck.
Posted By: LordOfTheUniverseMCS (5/5/2013 2:11:44 PM)


So, you've grown so used to the life it can give you, that...

... You pick up the chalice and beat people over the head with it?
Posted By: ThisisSakon (1/26/2012 7:39:46 PM)


I guess the Skirsdag haven't been filing their tax returns.
Either that or they haven't invented taxes on Innistrad. In that case, I'm planeswalking out of here. Zombie hordes can't be much worse than the IRS.
Posted By: Templar314 (1/26/2012 6:20:39 PM)


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