Congratulations R/X aggro decks, you do not even have to get your attackers through anymore. Just drop this guy swing with all you got.
Posted By:
(1/27/2012 7:28:04 AM)
Great addition to RDW also really great in a Kulodutha Red Deck. Might have to run more lands but worth it with this guy. Imagine all your little goblins poking you for an extra 1. Pretty brutal if you ask me. I'll take 4 :)
Posted By:
(1/27/2012 8:45:47 AM)
This card really tore my deck apart during one of the pre release-matches. Opponent had 2 human and 4 spirit-tokens on the table turn 4, this guy came out in turn 5, and in turn 8 it was all over.
Posted By:
(1/30/2012 3:06:50 AM)
Best red 4CMC 3/3 there is. Not that he had alot of competition. Want playset now.
Posted By:
(2/2/2012 12:04:47 PM)
Is this ... is this as good or potentially BETTER than Hero of Oxid Ridge? At rare?
R&D, I'm not sure what red players did to make you want to love us so much, but baby, let's never break up again.
Posted By:
(2/4/2012 11:00:51 AM)
I love Red, and I always love haste. 3/3 haster for 4 mana is pretty solid enough, now made even better with an ability that allows you to score in more damage.
The fact it is not a Mythic like Hero of Oxid Ridge just means I won't be having as much problem in getting it.
Posted By:
(2/7/2012 7:26:54 AM)
Really good! It's practically free damage with a solid body, too. Great card!
Posted By:
(2/7/2012 9:29:47 AM)
combo with Ovwrwhelming Stampede for DEATH AND DESTRUCTION!
Posted By:
(2/7/2012 6:23:02 PM)
I like this guy. It gives red some remarkable speed once it drops, even against a seemingly insurmountable wall of blockers.
Now, something that I feel would be REALLY fun, would be giving this guy Infect via Grafted Exoskeleton or the like.
Posted By:
(2/8/2012 12:37:27 AM)
My god. I just realized how great Curse of Stalked Prey would work here... Turn he comes out in my vamps deck, he can already hit for 6 in most cases...
Posted By:
(4/14/2012 10:56:52 AM)