Lordie I miss this card. If I had to make a top ten list of cards for reprinting in Magic 2013, Addle would easily be at the bottom of that list.
Posted By:
(8/26/2010 9:03:55 PM)
That's Ron Spears in the art, actually.
Posted By:
(3/30/2011 3:03:46 PM)
What's with the errata? I liked when it said "look at target player's hand" because then i could addle myself (to throw Iona or something like that into the graveyard) without revealing my hand.
Edit: I think I may have answered my own question; Addle probably requires the targeted player to reveal his/her hand in case it gets turned back on its caster with something like Misdirection or Redirect. In such an instance, Addle's original wording would facilitate cheating because the caster/target of Addle could claim he/she had no cards of the chosen color in hand without having to prove it.
Posted By:
(7/10/2011 11:07:44 PM)
9 times out of 10, this will be a two-mana Coercion in a competitive environment.
Sadly, the same could be said of Cabal Therapy at one mana. Addle is still really strong, it's just not... the best at what it does.
Posted By:
(1/14/2013 2:51:19 AM)
Very powerful if you know your oppent's deck, and even better on the second game after you know what they are doing.
Posted By:
(5/11/2009 5:44:00 AM)
@pumaman83 - There's no need to be facile. thaviel obviously means "choose a color that your opponent's first and/or second turn land drop can tap to add to their mana pool", and is using the easier (though technically incorrect) way of saying that.
As for the card itself, it's solid enough. More flexible than many of the other cards like this, which is important in a Game 1 situation against an unknown opponent. That being said, I'd probably take Distress over this (or Thoughtseize, of course).
Posted By:
(2/28/2012 12:26:18 PM)
first turn
second turn
random land # 22 , this, targeting the color of their land. Blow their best.
Posted By:
(3/11/2009 6:26:34 PM)
duress, into cabal therapy is better
Posted By:
(3/24/2009 8:50:29 AM)
@thaviel - Land is colorless.
Posted By:
(11/1/2011 6:40:36 PM)
Best used in Commander, since you already know what colors your opponents are running. Still average though.
Posted By:
(5/8/2012 4:59:15 AM)