I love it when both choices lead to a bad state of affairs.
Posted By:
(5/29/2010 5:05:20 AM)
Rite of replication a Dryad arbor... since its U/G get some doubling seasons and you are set
Posted By:
(8/3/2010 8:12:20 PM)
Let me tell you why the non-token clause on this card will never, ever, ever EVER be relevant.
Doubling Season.
Not even Wizards would overlook THAT combo.
Posted By:
(2/6/2012 8:55:31 AM)
Prototype Portal + Artifact Lands =
: Make a free token land
Posted By:
(4/19/2013 9:43:21 PM)
There are token lands:
Life and Limb
Green should get some removal in the form of token lands:
Enroot: GG
Tribal Instant - Treefolk
Target Creature becomes a Forest.
It is no longer a creature.
or maybe
Fertilize: 1GGG
Sacrifice an untapped creature: Put a tapped Forest land token into play during the next end step.
That'd be neato.
Posted By:
(10/25/2011 12:56:20 PM)
Use with land token generators.
Which, honestly, they should have printed by now. Putting Followed Footsteps on a Zendikon is too stupid...
In multiplayer politics, lieing is a good way to lose future games! Trust is a big thing, and if you lose it, you lose it forever.
Posted By:
(8/2/2011 10:51:08 AM)
Token land. What the heck is a token land?
Posted By:
(9/19/2010 7:55:51 PM)
You can slap the Dryad Arbor on a Soul Foundry, or any artifact land on Prototype Portal.
Posted By:
(12/6/2010 7:08:45 PM)
Man in multiplayer politics this is rough.
Player A: "if I put all of my lands in one pile, and you let me keep them, I do the same for you"
Player B: "ok"
Player A puts all his lands on one pile.
Player B splits them up evenly.
Player A: "What the..."
Player B: "I destroy the pile of yours with all lands"
Player C: "HA HA HA HA HA"
Posted By:
(4/23/2011 4:01:04 PM)