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I use it to target myself with Darien, King of Kjeldor in play. Add in Healer of the Pride. 1 mana for 2 1/1s and gain 3 life? yes please!
Posted By: Twylyght (12/18/2012 9:41:41 PM)


I created this combo for my squirrels EDH deck: enchant a creature with druid's call, then damage this creature to get 2 1/1 green squirrels for a generic mana!!!
Posted By: TheGigiBeast (1/15/2014 6:51:58 PM)


You guys see the rulings for this? The last sentence of the first one: "No Squirrel will be created." Sounds like a...i dunno, but that's really funny!

Surprised no one's mentioned Voltaic Key yet.

Now we just need something like this for chickens for that Zelda feel! T, create a chicken. T, create a chicken. Your opponent hits one, then UNLEASH THE HORDE!
Posted By: Casimir_the_Great (1/28/2014 8:08:53 PM)


This has to my favourite single card in Magic. The flavour is even funnier and more perfect than on Norin the Wary.

It also works really well in what I call my Masochism deck: things like Saber Ants and Nested Ghoul that make tokens when damaged, and plenty of sacrificing. Hit a Saber Ants with this for double the fun!
Posted By: CrazyChucky (5/19/2014 11:57:31 AM)


Versatile - ping offense or create tokens for yourself. Potentially abusable. Colorless.

Not bad.
Posted By: Stuflames (5/23/2014 5:45:43 AM)


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