He's got a Tumble Magnet under his loin cloth.
Posted By:
(8/18/2011 9:37:50 PM)
You cant jundge a card by its individual strength, you have to understand that each Titan is made to be played in a way that suits the correspondant colour and type of play. For an example, try putting any of the other titans effects on the Frost Titan, now that you think of it as a blue card and not some rediculous pokémon card that has to be more "powerful" to be of more use. The effect on Frost Titan is perfect for any blue mage ( No other mage than a blue mage should use this card so how is it bad again? ) just think for more then a second before posting replies like "worst titan". Its Silly.
Posted By:
(8/22/2011 3:45:32 PM)
I like this titan, he lets you lock down the threats on the board - so he's less likely to get chumped for a turn. His first ability is also nice because if they target him with a spell it first of all means that they have to pay an extra 2 to do so, but then if you counter that spell with mana leak that's another 3 on top for it to resolve. 7 mana for a doom blade, now that's some expensive removal!
Posted By:
(11/30/2011 2:09:53 PM)
+Splinter Twin and your opponent's army is basically in perpetual lockdown.
Posted By:
(7/28/2011 9:18:06 PM)
Frost titan gives you board advantage, which is just as important as card advantage.
He's great. he can lock down lands to prevent you from destroying him. He really owned me in the caw blade mirror last week. Grinders should give him some more thought and test him out.
Posted By:
(8/2/2011 5:42:21 AM)
Definitely worth running in standard right now. With U/W control decks on the rise, this becomes one of the key cards to beat control. A lot of people will look at this and say that it's last ability is useless. It isn't simply due to the fact that you can force the opponent to tap one of their lands, effectively setting something up on your side (assuming you have enough mana after this) or at the very least stopping them from using another counterspell. Also a 6/6 for 6 that requires 2 mana to counter it is pretty awesome for a blue player.
Posted By:
(12/30/2011 8:50:32 AM)
I just barely got a Tamiyo, the Moon Sage at the prerelease saturday and wasted no time building a deck with her and these beasts. What can go wrong with card advantage and board advantage?
Answer: Absolutely nothing.
Posted By:
(4/30/2012 2:23:20 PM)
Royal Assassin
Posted By:
(4/12/2012 4:42:25 PM)
Not a bad card. Very hard to deal with. Doesn't offer as much card advantage as the other titans. However, considering that it makes doom blade cost 3B in the same enviroment as mana leak it can be extremely relevant. Plus he can shut down the other titans. I'm disappointed he hasn't seen more play.
Posted By:
(5/28/2012 2:44:53 PM)
In average play he might be looked at as one of the weaker titans. But the one thing he did well was helped shut the other titans down nothing like rolling over a grave titan with this.
Posted By:
(10/18/2013 11:05:03 AM)