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Think Twice on your opponent's upkeep, whether or not you have second guess ready. Watch them squirm.
Posted By: JaFaR_Ironclad (4/27/2012 3:14:23 AM)


"We've got some good news and some bad news. The good news is you're getting another counterspell at 2 CMC that can hard-counter creatures, instants, and sorceries alike. The bad news is, the spell has to be the second one cast this turn. Good luck".
Posted By: Trygon_Predator (4/26/2012 8:39:10 PM)


A counter with an odd condition attached. Narrow in focus? Yes. But it's a counter that offers no escape (short of a counter against it) at 2 mana, not even 2U. And it also plays on the psychology of the players; most people wait until the 2nd main phase to cast anything that they aren't going to use before combat that they might want next turn. It's not perfect, but if you can play the first spell on their turn, they you can counter whatever spell they play first. 4/5
Posted By: d-101 (4/29/2012 9:33:46 AM)


Not sure if it's entirely visible to most folks, but this is card is almost tailor designed to hose Snapcaster Mage. There really isn't anything else to explain about it.
Posted By: Wynzerman (5/16/2012 1:43:22 PM)


Great in the blue control/delver mirror match for the sideboard, not sure where else this is truly applicable.
Posted By: Joeey (4/26/2012 6:11:14 PM)


It counters counterspells, and turns the age-old strategy of "bait out a counterspell with this decent card so I can cast my bomb," on its head.
Play silence during your opponent's upkeep, hold onto this just in case.
Posted By: NoobOfLore (5/2/2012 8:59:25 PM)


Guys! Guys! It's a counter-counter! Brilliant! So many shenanigans to be had with this card...
Posted By: DoragonShinzui (5/4/2012 7:41:39 AM)


If you're playing another blue deck, than this is benificial during your turn! You cast a spell. If they try countering it, you can second guess it! The restriction is the second spell cast this turn - it doesn't have to be their second spell!

Or imagine casting a spell before your opponent on their upkeep. Then, whenever they try casting something, you can second guess it!
Posted By: dberry02 (5/11/2012 12:52:06 PM)


Let's not forget you can use this to break a combo as well, where the flavor text fits in perfectly.

Your opponent casts mana-ramping spells like Dark Ritual/Seething Song. You counter the follow nasty spells they are going to cast with this one.
Posted By: FIAmagic (5/12/2012 5:38:44 AM)


It's exactly on cost compared to Cancel, which is the standard to which you should be comparing all new counterspells. Any 1 mana instant sets it up, bringing its cost to 3. The risk of it not being able to hit their spells sometimes is offset by the chance that it can be cast for 2 other times.
Posted By: Atali (5/20/2012 11:47:42 AM)


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