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Community Rating: 1.527 / 5  (37 votes)
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This guy obviously teaches his partner to use the bait/decoy strategy while the other sneaks up to behead the attacking Zombie :p
Posted By: mrkimi80 (6/8/2012 6:21:24 AM)


Doesn't read as a bit overly complex for a common? Protection does show up occasionally at common, but on the same card as soulbond instead of just by itself like Stave Off?
Posted By: Sliver_Legion (8/12/2012 8:20:16 AM)


Maybe if it was protection from black and blue. Sure it would be more mana but it would be wayyyyy better.
Posted By: Happyface1515 (5/22/2012 5:05:31 PM)


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