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Community Rating: 3.815 / 5  (84 votes)
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i disagree that he isnt useful hes sure as hell better that the bloodgift demon now isnt he? and costs less too. heres the obvious answer, in the avacyn set there are multiple black cards with undying that cost less than this, so put them out the turn before, then put ashmouth out and sac them, thus you now have demonlord and a (well, most likely a) spirit creature that now has a +1/+1 counter, or the even more obvious running two ashmouths, and using the first to do the last example with the spirit or zombie, and then putting the second ashmouth out to sac the first making the first a 6/5, i managed to do all of that at the avacyn restored pre release, i pulled two ashmouths and a bunch of spirits, and on a side note some kid in a later match didnt read my card and used some sorcery to destroy it making it a bigger problem for himself, lesson being, never underestimate this card i give it 4/5
Posted By: plague_stinger (5/8/2012 1:30:26 PM)


He's going to rip up sealed, but I doubt he'll make it in any other format. The repeated sacrifice you need to use him is going to break his usefulness.
Posted By: RAV0004 (4/27/2012 6:08:22 PM)


Don't forget that if he's your only creature you don't have to sac anything.
Posted By: Feralsymphony (5/3/2012 1:57:50 PM)



Demonlord of Ashmouth +Flayer of the hatebound + Blood Artist + whatever choice undying support
Posted By: Espergeist (5/4/2012 2:56:11 PM)


people, people, when he etb if you don't sac a dude, he gets EXILED. you can't play him, not sac a dude, trigger undying, and then sac a dude to get a 6/5.
Posted By: Exuberance (5/4/2012 3:19:03 PM)


Torpor Orb and Treacherous Pit-Dweller. You're welcome :P
Posted By: GrimjawxRULES (5/8/2012 4:06:43 AM)


This loses so very hard to Vapor Snag :(
Posted By: Alluceanot (5/8/2012 10:51:54 PM)


or, T2 Skirsdag High Priest, T3 Lingering Souls, T4 demonlord.
two 5 power demons on turn 4. and one's got undying, like a bauss.
holy crap.
Posted By: dontmess17 (5/9/2012 9:08:31 PM)


I am sort of confused about undying. Must another creature be sacrificed to have him come back with undying? He never really leaves does he? I've seen a few people talk about this but who knows if they are correct.
Posted By: branwithoutclaws (7/1/2012 9:06:24 AM)


Originally posted By: heirbauj "great card for heartless summoning in mono-black: play it for just two black mana, choose not to sacrifice another creature, undiyng triggers: you have a 5/4 flying for a mere two black mana...sac another undying critter the second time it enters the battlefield to optimize its drawback... "

Except that Demonlord's second ability tells you to exile him :( so it doesn't trigger it's own Undying ability.
Posted By: Haelthor (7/17/2012 4:47:52 PM)


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