One could use Dismember even if he's not playing black :D
Posted By:
(4/27/2012 12:26:25 PM)
It's hard to say just how terrible this card is outside of Limited. Suffice to say--very. In Limited it will see play, naturally, but in any other format there are a myriad of better options. Even in the current Standard you'd be silly to run this over Tragic Slip.
Posted By:
(4/28/2012 9:43:54 PM)
poor angel! noooooooOOoo!!!!!
Posted By:
(4/29/2012 4:33:00 AM)
Kills things. Gets the job done. Won't see constructed play over Dismember or Tragic Slip, but can really get rid of something annoying in limited. Could be useful in singleton formats also as an emergency fatty kill card.
Posted By:
(4/29/2012 1:19:17 PM)
I like it's flexible, good for early and mid game kills, especially against indestructibles.
But Tragic Slip is far better.
Posted By:
(4/27/2012 11:00:15 AM)
The card is great in limited, but it lacks in comparison to other black removal of this type:
To give a creature -1/-1 it cost 2cmc, tragic slip is better at 1cmc
To give -2/-2, its cost 3cmc, disfigure is better at 1cmc
-3/-3 at 4cmc, urge to feed is better at 2cmc, even with out the tribal effect
at this point dismember is just better over all.
Again, this is a decent card, molds to your situation and anything that kills indestructible is good in my book, but there are other, much faster options.
Posted By:
(4/30/2012 9:04:48 AM)
It's like Heat Ray, only good.
Posted By:
(5/3/2012 4:00:47 PM)
sealed bomb
Posted By:
(5/7/2012 11:34:29 AM)
EDIT: To clarify my previous comment, this is pretty decent and can be used as effective removal in any deck that splashes black, without the drawback of Angel of Jubilation's ability crippling it.
If you're playing mono-black, though, just use Dismember. It's more cost-effective.
Posted By:
(5/11/2012 6:21:22 PM)
Heat Ray painted black.
Posted By:
(4/26/2012 11:20:30 PM)