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Community Rating: 3.676 / 5  (37 votes)
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Worse than Nether Shadow? I'd rather be swinging with this lategame than a 1/1 to finish my opponent off even if I had to pay B for it.
Posted By: Digit (9/10/2011 6:26:43 AM)


This card's rulings have had a typo for over 5 years. Discuss. I find it fitting that while "layers" is not what WotC meant, this card (along with Nether Shadow) added depth (layers) to graveyard shenanigans.
Posted By: Ortenzo (3/7/2012 4:17:28 PM)


This is actually better than Nether Shadow if we are talking about recursion shenanigans. This still happens during upkeep, so if you have four of them in the graveyard and a way to generate at least 1Black from a creature sacrifice you can generate 'infinite' mana.
Posted By: tavaritz (6/7/2012 5:46:39 AM)


Nether Shadow and Ashen ghoul was very fun back when Ice Age came out.
Posted By: DwarvenLieutenant (5/28/2014 10:49:39 PM)


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