@Sidmin Mirror Gallery only says that the legend rule doesn't apply, not that the legend supertype doesn't exist, and even if that wasn't the case it would mean that she can't search for anything at all.
Or at least that's my understanding of the rules.
Posted By:
(2/25/2014 6:16:53 PM)
great for from the vault legends sealed play, tuters any card from the set, now if only you had lands in FtV legends sealed play....
Posted By:
(3/2/2014 11:57:03 AM)
@Mode: My thoughts exactly.
@TheWrathofShane: My thoughts initially. However, she bites it a lot. Reki (who should be everyone's first search) does too.
You can go the Kaldra route. You can set up Myojin (preferably of Life's Web) and That Which Was Taken combos. Like Heroes' Podium, they're both ridiculous in this deck, but EXPENSIVE mana-wise.
Personally I'd go a Jitte/Tails/Nykthos kind of route with not too many legends. Either way, make sure to call the deck I am Legend.
Posted By:
(4/22/2014 8:44:37 PM)