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Community Rating: 3.016 / 5  (31 votes)
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With each grunt of pain from Haddad, Greel's grin widened.

Posted By: Ideatog (9/5/2011 6:01:28 PM)


The have a functional reprint of the color shifted in New Phyrexia
Posted By: Bass1987 (4/28/2011 10:19:53 AM)


Leeching Bite
Posted By: Shadoflaam (11/25/2011 7:00:39 PM)


@Mode: No, it doesn't. Baneslayer has first strike for no other reason than being a power creep.
Posted By: Tahazzar (5/14/2011 6:08:30 AM)


I prefer Zealous Persecution.
Posted By: Robface (9/5/2010 5:01:25 PM)


being an instant, you can potentially make good use of this during combat...but it's still too expensive for that narrow use if you could just as well cast removal at the same cost instead (which despite restrictions should generally find better use).

Edit (since 1/1/2009):
@Tahazzar I'm pretty sure you were refering to Test-Subject_217601 ;)

Lol, I got confused three times here:
At first i thought "what are you talking about? When did i mention Baneslayer Angel? How could i possibly mention Baneslayer? (This card didn't even exist when i wrote this comment :D)
Then i noticed Test-Subject_217601's comment and thought "What is this even? How could a Cloud Sprite remotely kill a Baneslayer with that?
Retroactively i thought "Wait, then your comment still doesn't make any sense either. Why should first strike even be relevant in the first place when you have a 2/2 standing against a 4/4?
Then, trying to figure out how all th... (see all)
Posted By: Mode (7/22/2011 4:06:16 AM)


I think the best part of this card is that it allows Cloud Spirit to trade with Baneslayer.
Posted By: Test-Subject_217601 (1/4/2011 8:47:43 AM)


I like this card.
It's a nice suprise to people, and turn the tide in one or two combats, even kill a lone little blocker and hit for an additional point of damage (fun finisher).

Reprinted in green, where I think it's not quite as good, as green is expected to use combat tricks a bit more than black, but still good.
Ther's more powerful versions tin two colours, such as the aforementioned Zealous Persecution, and a double power green-black version ( the name elludes me), which is happily cast by drooling groodion.

A solid, versatile card.
Posted By: Sharu (4/28/2012 10:16:50 PM)


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