Look, that guy's trying to track an Ashmouth Hound!
Posted By:
(1/30/2012 6:03:28 AM)
Beast Hunt? Is that you? You seem different now...are you...playable?
Posted By:
(1/26/2012 11:45:42 PM)
It's odd, for most other cards like this you want creatures in the grave... but it is still somewhat likely that there will be another creature in the four cards that you reveal. I can't seem to put my finger on what kind of deck would want (or not want) to run this card.
Posted By:
(1/26/2012 6:26:43 PM)
After seeing how powerful Forbidden Alchemy has been, it's not suprising that many people can see the potential in this card.
Posted By:
(2/1/2012 8:06:10 AM)
Standard dredge may make a come back.
Posted By:
(1/27/2012 5:41:24 AM)
I *thought* the effect looked familiar in conjunction with its colors. q.v. Wood Sage (only, in exchange for a hard limit of two casts without fishing back out of the graveyard, it isn't nearly as picky).
Posted By:
(1/27/2012 10:31:30 AM)
This card is perfect for my Simic combo deck. The win con is made almost entirely of creatures, and each one of these will allow me to dig eight cards down into my library. I'll find the needed creature card in no time.
Posted By:
(1/18/2013 3:59:08 PM)
This is beautiful. Search up your Splinterfright, dump flashback stuff and more creatures into the graveyard, then do it again the next turn. My U/G Mill Yourself deck thanks you
Posted By:
(1/26/2012 6:04:41 PM)
This card is full of Dredge love.
Posted By:
(1/27/2012 5:13:08 AM)
Very nice. Shame it's sorcery speed but you can't have everything.
Posted By:
(2/4/2012 4:13:34 AM)