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Community Rating: 3.408 / 5  (49 votes)
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Sorin's Vengeance you say? Whatever shall I do? Oh wait, this sould do...
Posted By: Myrs (1/22/2012 3:14:42 AM)


Had such good times with this spell. Now I put it in all my red decks. Things I've used this on in our casual games: Mindtwist for 7. Kicked Rite of Replication targetting Avenger of Zendikar, changed his spell to copy another opponents general and kept mine on avenger. Random 4th turn Beacon of Immortality. Exsanguinate for I think 100 off infinite mana.
Posted By: shmnion (2/15/2012 3:00:18 PM)


@Lief098 "In his last seconds, Remhas regretted using his most powerful spell"
Ricochet Trap
Posted By: MisterFolgers (7/19/2012 12:47:36 PM)


This is one of my favorite magic cards and is an awesome addition to red. Just imagine being in a 3 player game were your opponent casts a Cruel Ultimatum on you and you use this to reflect it to the third guy and use the copy on the second XD 5/5
Posted By: phabio357 (7/25/2012 1:00:50 AM)


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