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Squalls? Gales? Hurricanes? You want it? It's yours my friend, as long as you have enough Mana.
Posted By: DoragonShinzui (3/15/2012 1:42:49 PM)


I love this card. Its got flying defense, a good body for the early game, and an ability that can be used as a finisher. It is also the easiest monger to stick in a deck without needing to build around it. And green has solid, creature-related life gain to keep you on top. This can slide into any deck that has obstinate baloth, or essence warden.
Nice with Basilisk Collar, crazy with Phyresis.
Posted By: kiseki (3/9/2012 1:08:07 PM)


Isn't it a bit odd that each other monger was properly Oracled with it's respective creature type, while this one remained simply a "monger"? So it's not a human or an elf, what is it?
Posted By: OrphanerDualscar (3/8/2013 6:38:55 PM)


Probably the best monger simply because the effect is less detrimental to green decks, which typically run very little flying. All the other mongers damage you as much as the opponent.
Posted By: Wulfsten (7/3/2011 10:26:57 PM)


Like a less crappy Ifh-Bíff Efreet.
Posted By: drpvfx (10/13/2011 11:56:34 AM)


Make sure the lifegain happens before the training grounds.
Just a suggestion.
Posted By: NoobOfLore (6/23/2011 10:31:37 PM)


gain some life, Training Grounds, GG
Posted By: lorendorky (6/17/2011 9:01:59 AM)


how is it 'less crappy'? ifh requires a specific mana (ya know, the same kind you used to cast it), so your opponent may not even be be able to use its ability. this monger (even less tribal than efreet) costs (2), meaning it's twice as expensive for you to use, and your opponent can use it, to some degree, no matter what what mana he has. if it's the extra G in the otherwise same cmc, i hardly think that qualifies as crappy. oh, and after scrolling up one more time, i see the squallmonger doesn't even have flying. pfft. check yo pants for a definition of crappy, my friend.
Posted By: thevegetable (9/26/2013 7:14:09 PM)


It's "less crappy" basically because it's an unlimited damage source. Iff-Biff kills itself if you activate it three times, meaning you can only kill X/2s or you have to lose the creature in the process.

They're both fine; it's just that this guy not-killing-himself (and not being $10-$70) is a big boon. Still; you'll usually just want Scattershot archer.. I will say that this guy can eat planeswalkers and players behind Ensnaring bridge and such. In fact, going the opposite direction, you can use this guy with the bridge as a strange win combo.
Posted By: blurrymadness (3/5/2014 11:29:19 AM)


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