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Community Rating: 3.038 / 5  (39 votes)
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It's what a green draw card should be, except I hate it when I use this and send a Garruk to the bottom of my deck.
Posted By: Kura-san (9/17/2011 12:21:30 AM)


I feel like this card is undervalued in constructed. It is the cornerstone of my GW Humans deck, and I actually prefer to have this card in hand over a Hero of Bladehold in most situations. With 33 creatures in my deck I average 2.8 creatures from this card. Any time I draw 3 or more creatures off this card, the game usually ends in victory within a few turns. With so many creatures in my deck, the odds of drawing no creatures off this are very low. If my math is right, it's about a 1 in 80 chance to blank on this assuming you've drawn 10 cards by the time you play this. I would only recommend playing this in a deck where it is your only non-creature spell, because even adding a few spells from my sideboard can make the odds on this much worse. For example, adding 6 non-creature spells from my sideboard increases the odds of blanking on this to about 1 in 26. Still pretty good odds, but if that's what your deck looks like before sideboarding, it will probably only get worse post board.... (see all)
Posted By: hansede (10/26/2011 10:06:00 PM)


yay my first first comment

I like this card. compare it to beast hunt.
Posted By: Arachibutyrophobia (9/3/2011 7:54:46 PM)


While Stampede definitely doesn't fit in just any green-flavored Modern Constructed deck, it is invaluable in certain archetypes. For instance, I roll two of these in Bant Con***ion (not sure why c o n s c r i p t i o n is getting starred out here. Is Eldrazi Con***ion THAT bad of a word nowadays? ;). It sets up creature combos really well. In this case, you can dig turn two for exactly the creatures you need turn three. At this point whatever else you draw is a bonus.

I kept pulling it from that deck thinking, "It's not THAT good" but I always end up splashing it back in because it is so useful when you are in a bind.

For what it does, I'm not sure any other card accomplishes as much for 3 mana.
Posted By: lungsoftheocean (3/13/2013 2:17:42 PM)


Comboes with Dwarven Recruiter and... Dwarves.
Wizards, mind to give us some cool Dwarves? Please?
Posted By: Mode (5/12/2013 6:49:54 AM)



It's so you can't write HTML "s c r i p t" tags into the comments and have the code mess up the page.
Posted By: tankthebest (5/20/2013 1:42:29 PM)


This card is useful for my RGW deck mainly because I have a lot of mana ramp and small creatures. Every now and then turn four will hit and I'll have access to seven mana but have an empty hand-this card remedies that quite well. Plus, when top decking this in a stalemate situation-it's an awesome feeling to get two or three creature, even when you have to pass up a good spell.
Posted By: Cygore (5/30/2013 8:53:50 PM)


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