not that bad... but it feels quite lackluster compared to the other ultimatums.
Posted By:
(7/28/2012 3:37:00 PM)
Posted By:
(8/1/2012 4:32:42 PM)
Nothing not to like about this card; well designed, costed just right, nice and flavorful (and fits the Ajani decks perfectly).
Posted By:
(8/27/2012 10:41:07 AM)
I like it. Trample rewards swinging with everything, while first strike and lifelink means you don't need to hold back to protect your creatures or for blockers.
Posted By:
(10/14/2012 2:19:30 AM)
A great example of a winmore. This card will only help you if you have a decent number of creatures out - so you should already be winning. Winmores at this mana cost are useless. Better off going with Overrun at 5 mana.
Posted By:
(4/2/2013 5:24:15 AM)
Ah, reminds me of old-school card design. Wizards would design a card whose effects were just way too strong to ever allow it to be played so they'd just give it a mana cost that made it impossible to cast. Then people would for some reason be happy with it even though no one ever used it in their decks. So the card would take on the status of being more like a ceremonial or honorary card, or a high value baseball card with no actual use in a game, like the Elder Dragon Legends.
Posted By:
(4/21/2013 2:04:14 AM)
I like how it will make even the lowly Ornithopter to Naya's "Power 5+" theme. In fact, there is only ONE creature that does not.
Posted By:
(6/29/2013 6:24:09 PM)
@DaLucaray: Two if you count Spinal Parasite.
Posted By:
(7/13/2013 7:32:47 PM)
Well, this is totally a win-more card, because if you have enough creatures to make it worth the mana cost, you probably are going to win anyway (unless your opponent has the same amount of creatures of course,) but dammit if it isn't fun as hell. It might as well read: 'All creatures your opponent uses to block die, and your opponent also dies. Oh, and you gain a ton of life.'
Would've been hilarious if it was an instant, but sadly, at sorcery speed, this is pretty much confined to casual matches.
Posted By:
(8/8/2013 6:13:43 PM)
Titanic Ultimatum, a.k.a. "Overkill Overrun".
Posted By:
(10/4/2013 12:39:03 PM)