This art is gorgeous. Truly some of the best in the game.
Posted By:
(7/6/2012 5:43:36 PM)
This thing came out in the last game of one of the matches that I was playing at the prerelease. Unfortunately, it came out at the start of the draw countdown. I didn't pull any removal in the following turns, which led to a draw. Bluh.
If only I had drawn my Switcheroo. . .
. . . I never really wanted that Bond Beetle.
It would be nice with some protection.
Posted By:
(7/7/2012 3:13:55 PM)
Awesome card and being an awesome wurm to boot. Great artwork.
Posted By:
(7/9/2012 4:00:06 AM)
I'm starting to think this card is good luck.
Posted By:
(7/9/2012 7:29:19 PM)
@timmyforever More like platinum emperion. And also, there are other ways to lose than loss of life, but you probably don't know that, do you? Also, this isn't an artifact and therefore doesn't die to smelt or shatter, nor can it die to a gut shot and a lightning bolt.
Posted By:
(7/14/2012 2:01:16 PM)
His text also has 7 lines. He costs 7. Trample is 7 letters. His name has 14 letters(7x2=14. Bit of a stretch, but still).
Posted By:
(7/16/2012 5:55:36 PM)
Hey! Why the low rating? This guy is awesome!
First off, he is a 7/7 for 7CMC with trample and that unique ability to raise your life total in a pinch. Forget about that, basically you CAN'T LOSE unless he is removed! That means your opponent has to waste a removal spell just for him, leaving your other fatties alive, AND he IS a fatty himself! This pretty much stops red decks completely. Other colors can deal with him just fine, but are still FORCED to remove him. The only exception are mill decks, but they had better hope that they survive his attacks and mill in time!
Easily 5/5 for green creatures
Posted By:
(7/21/2012 6:08:15 AM)
Life loss counters his ability since it only works if your life is above 7, only affects damage, and only resets your life to 7 when it ETB.
Posted By:
(7/29/2012 12:27:29 AM)
I played this guy during draft and my opponent (playing GW) all but conceded. This guy is an absolute house in limited in the absence of a lot of removal and if you have no way to get rid of him, you lose by milling out.
Posted By:
(8/16/2012 7:34:10 AM)
Now this is how a Mythic is supposed to be. Not just an overpowered mess of keywords, but something BIG and game changing. With this guy out, the game is dragged down into a standstill. Or it would be if you weren't using your new immortality wurm to smash the everliving hell out of your opponent.
Posted By:
(8/18/2012 5:11:48 PM)