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Works wonders with a morph deck. Not only do all of the morphed (no creature type, so non-Human) get a +1/+1 boost so each creature is a 3/3 for 3, but when they die they come back face-up. Of course, since they don't actually "morph" any abilities that say "when this card is flipped face up" don't work, but there are still some good morph creatures (even in Black- I'm looking at you, Liege of the Pit) that could wreak havoc alongside this guy. Also, the Liege helps trigger the Undying morph creatures! Joyous!
Posted By: Entropic_Acolyte (2/5/2012 1:49:56 PM)


This card with Cauldron of Souls is absolute win.
Posted By: turtleknite (2/12/2012 6:28:52 PM)


@Layz, Triskelion does combo infinitely. But you have to shoot itself twice (because of the pump given by Mikaeus) and shoot the player once. Seems like a minor distinction but it might lose you a game :)
Posted By: djflo (2/18/2012 5:53:45 PM)


To the Avacynians, seeing Mikaeus changed like this would be as shocking as a Catholic seeing Pope Benedict turn into an undead creature of evil.

Oh, wait.
Posted By: syrazemyla (2/1/2012 12:44:26 PM)


I knew it! I knew it all along! Of course Mikey would die! Too bad all the humans are gonna die...

But this is hella awesome! Prepare to rape some kitchen tables, Mikey!
Posted By: Superllama12 (1/26/2012 3:45:20 PM)


See, this is just what he gets for wearing such a flowing gown around all of those candles.
Posted By: Aorpheat (1/27/2012 12:04:39 AM)


There's something very creepy about this card. I mean, if you look at the Unhallowed and Lunarch side by side, you wonder how something so elegant and majestic turns into a rotten zombie.

Anyways, great card, very anti-human. 5/5
Posted By: scorpiolegend (1/28/2012 12:44:43 PM)


Use him with Ghave, Guru of Spores. Take off the +1/+1 counters into Saprolings and creatures get eternal Undying. I'm actually drooling. A field full of infinite recursion with a side of Saprolings. Exactly like Quillspike worked for Persist in Shadowmoor block, but amped up.
Posted By: 4wolf359 (1/26/2012 11:17:12 PM)


Honestly, I suprised we didn't get two version of Mikaeus is Innistrad. Mikaeus the Lunarch and Mikaeus: In Flames.
Posted By: Demonic_Math_Tutor (1/30/2012 6:33:27 PM)


Combos with Tatterkite and any sacrifice engine?

Oh yeah, and anything with Persist, Murderous Redcap being the obvious choice.

@ZirilanoftheClaw & Wasret: Tokens go POOF as soon as they hit a zone other than the battlefield, so no, they would not come back from the dead via undying (or via any other method, for that matter).
Posted By: Ragamander (1/31/2012 1:42:38 AM)


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