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Does this mean I get to destroy the other player if they play a Lightning Bolt, Searing Spear, Devil's Play, etc. targeting me? (Assuming the other player is human)
Posted By: Splume (2/17/2014 5:47:23 AM)


Ohh, alright, thanks for the ruling, I was unfamiliar with the rule. Now that that's cleared up, this guy is gonna create some vicious decks I'd imagine.
Posted By: dethcreature88 (1/27/2012 9:58:02 PM)


I'm planning a deck with this and Unbreathing Horde, plus some other zombies (namely Geralf's Messenger, all centered around Heartless Summoning and cards that do direct life suck/damage like Perilous Myr, Pierce Strider, and Blistergrub. Time it just right, and those normally one-use ping cards can come back and do more damage :)
Posted By: ajolt151 (1/28/2012 7:07:01 AM)


Whoever said Mikaeus was revived by Geralf) The Article in question sid that Geralf had met Liliana and that she showed immense interest in Mikaeus's corpse. when you add 2+2 you get that Liliana Reanimated The Lunarch
Posted By: ZX-XZ (1/28/2012 7:37:23 PM)



That isn't going to work the way you're thinking of. You need to have a creature with persist on it already in order for it to work, since when it dies, you can stack the undying on it, then when it dies after that, you can use the persist. Rinse and repeat.


Someone already mentioned it with Vish Kal, but Mikaeus also has a stupid combo with Vish Kal, Blood Arbiter. Sac Vish Kal to himself, he comes back with a counter, remove the counter to reduce a creature by -1/-1, then sac Vish Kal to himself again, and you loop around with that. Slow and inefficient? No doubt. Lulz worthy if you do it? More than likely.
Posted By: Zielheim (3/13/2012 7:04:02 PM)


this + Triskelion = infinite machine gun

this + Clockwork Condor = a blocker that wont die

this + Gravecrawler + grimgrin + diregraf captain = you guess :)

A seriously nasty card.. staple for standard zombie tribe
Posted By: reigeherald (2/8/2012 11:33:26 PM)


Well, I'd put this in the comments for Mikaeus, the Lunarch as a joke because of all the candles, but now it's surprisingly appropriate. Ahem.

And it seems to me you lived your life like a candle in the wind. Never knowing who to cling to when the rain set in. And I would have liked to known you, but I was just a kid. Your candle burned out long before your legend ever did.
Posted By: MyrBattlecube (1/27/2012 6:21:04 PM)


um im not sure why anyone hasnt said wurmcoil yet? he brings back ANY NON-HUMAN, and another thing, does he also bring back tokens? if so then welcome to absoloute brokenness
Posted By: ZirilanoftheClaw (1/29/2012 5:16:37 PM)


cauldron of souls.
(persist and undying counters fizzle out, and your persist cards or come into play cards or well everything! your stuff just won't dieeeee)
yeah (:
also conspiracy when appropriate (humans)
Posted By: Mr.Freshness-Timmy (2/5/2012 7:15:32 PM)


GOD DAMN YOU TO HELL! i hate this MASSIVE boost that zombies get in this set and this ridiculous infinite machine!

"whoa whoa, whats with the hate? You can just play that one artifact that shuts down every zombie deck for only 99$!"
Well zombies hadd enough lords as it was and now they get even more ridiculous...

I hate this set with its crappy fateful hour and werewolves!
Posted By: Milliman (1/27/2012 3:08:44 AM)


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