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Community Rating: 2.017 / 5  (60 votes)
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Unplayable, overcosted creature. I don't see anyone wanting this on the top of their curve.. 5 mana is alot of mana.
Posted By: Firesplitter. (9/26/2012 1:00:34 AM)


This is pretty bad, but not horrible. It gives vigilance to another one of your creatures and will probably be able to do it time and time again because of it's high toughness.

Posted By: Purplerooster (10/10/2012 8:02:39 AM)


I'm amused by how it basically gives another one of your creatures Vigilance, but lets face it. He's pretty underwhelming.
Posted By: DoragonShinzui (11/1/2012 10:10:59 AM)


2/5 not bad with its toughness boost and quasi vigilance but it won't see much constructed play
Posted By: chrome_dome (1/7/2013 5:14:56 AM)


Into the Doran, the Siege Tower deck for this one.
Posted By: Luchian-D (9/12/2013 8:08:40 AM)


I think this card actually has wonderful design. It has an interesting effect that makes you choose between using it as a high toughness blocker and a utility attacker. The art is good and gives a picture of everyday city life, rather than just showing random mages and soldiers like most other cards.
The only problem with this card is its cmc. Not every creature can be good, this one got the ax. Too bad.
Posted By: jonrds (1/29/2014 6:27:31 PM)


This guy makes an interesting inspired enabled in RTR/THS standard. He triggers inspired immediately, and boosts the typically-flimsy inspired creatures toughness so it survives combat.
Posted By: CaptElephant (2/21/2014 6:56:41 AM)


Even if this cost 2White, I would still prefer Brimaz, King of Oreskos. Gos to show how OP that card really is.
Posted By: TheWrathofShane (5/5/2014 6:24:02 AM)


Not just that, it shows how bad THIS card is. Brimaz is pushed and way too strong for his mana cost, but this guy is held way back for his mana cost. Also, giving your guys toughness when you are attacking is not really impressive at all. It's kind of like life gain.

What I'd want out of this guy at this point is 1White for a 1/3 with the same effect so that he could be an inspiration enabler. Even then, it'd still not be very good lol. That's how bad +0/+X is.
Posted By: SAUS3 (5/21/2014 9:41:48 AM)


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