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Rhox Faithmender is this lady's (these ladies'?) best friend.
Posted By: SyntheticDreamer (9/25/2012 8:53:23 PM)


Intruder Alarm is the problem.
Posted By: Axelle (9/25/2012 8:43:55 PM)


FlickeringThragtusk with this and Rhox Faithmender on the field. Yeah!!
1 Cloudshift will gain you 22 lives and a 3/3. :D
Posted By: zomboss (9/28/2012 7:31:51 PM)


@RAV0004 Then maybe you should run both Trostani and Rhys in the same deck? Yes, they both make tokens and are excellent beside one another. And Trostani gives you the lifegain.
Posted By: Gcrudaplaneswalker (10/12/2012 8:28:05 PM)


I had this on the battlefield during a game yesterday - she was keeping me alive by populating 8/8 Elemental tokens from my Grove of the Guardian against a nasty Vampire deck. At one point, though, I was down to 8 life. And lo and behold, I Miracled Entreat The Angels...6 Angel tokens and 24 life later, I had gone from the brink (literally one life) to 50 life in about 3 turns. Needless to say, I won that game.
Posted By: drtony828 (12/6/2012 4:08:43 AM)


1) playing this then putting Conjurer's Closet onto the battle field.
2) Playing Serra Avatar doubling life at the end of each turn.
3) Draw storm herd get ready to play with 2000 life.
4) Confused look when Serra Avatar is returned to my hand
5) the look on my face with my friend Essence Backlash my Serra Avatar effectively reducing my life total from 2000 to 0 when he could of been dead turns ago......Priceless
Posted By: WhisperingEyeCo (3/2/2013 1:07:40 PM)


Looked at the flavor text on a card from Dragon's Maze. My first thought:

"Her? Trostani's a girl?"

I seriously thought she was a male until I looked closer at the art.
Posted By: WindMasterArceus (5/7/2013 8:55:53 PM)


How about a Wolfir Silverheart landing on top of another Wolfir Silverheart with this card already hangin' around.
Posted By: Zazzles_88 (10/19/2012 9:21:36 AM)


I fell in love with her at first sight.
And she led me to Entreat the Angels.

I like Ajani, Caller of the Pride and Loxodon Smiter.

Flying angels are like bread and butter, but flying, double-striking Elephants can share the fun too.
Posted By: SKTV (10/23/2012 2:28:00 AM)


Add in Intruder Alarm and we have ourselves a problem.
Posted By: Nucleon (9/25/2012 4:19:00 PM)


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