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Community Rating: 4.009 / 5  (176 votes)
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@nucleon add in Phyrexian processor and you have an even bigger problem
Posted By: Leonidus78 (9/26/2012 8:50:52 PM)


I like this card - I do - I just don't get why MARO was always stressing how she's three creatures and one creature at the same time when it doesn't really have a mechanical representation.
Posted By: Demento_Recraves (9/28/2012 5:42:59 AM)


This set only has 4 cards that produce tokens larger than 3/3's. Theres a 4/4 trample rhino, a 5/5 trample wurm, an 8/8 vigilance and an X/X slime. Now only two of those cards are playable under normal circumstances. That means youre going to populate those 3/3 centaurs and 2/2 vigilant soldiers more often than not.

The difference between selesnya back then and selesnya now is that there are big creature options for a change. So many selesnya cards were wimpy and I for one welcome the change.

This is a legendary that is worth every penny. Both in dollar and CMC value. Lifegain perk, populate for a cheap activate and a 2/5 body make this 4 drop worth all of your costs. Having at least 2-3 in your decks is gonna be the way to go. And a staple in everything from lifegain to populate decks. 5/5
Posted By: Vakyoom (9/26/2012 3:55:31 PM)


Pros like me know how amazing this legend really is. She creates tokens with her populate and you gain life from those populated tokens along with whatever else you cast. Sounds pretty strong to me.
Posted By: Lotsofpoopy (9/27/2012 9:54:45 PM)


@Xllinoc: I disagree. "Spells you cast have overload. The overload cost is equal to twice their mana cost" would have been utterly hilarious. Not necessarily a better ability set than the one he has, but hilarious.
Posted By: LordRandomness (9/27/2012 3:21:41 PM)


I like her mechanically, but stat wise...awkward. 2/5. Twooooo/Fiiiiive.
Nope. Don't like it. Can't put my finger on it.
Posted By: DoragonShinzui (4/14/2013 7:37:47 PM)


ok, so how is this not a 5 star card? in edh this thing is a beast. 4 mana for 2/5 body, that copies and gains you significant amounts of life. get out of here...

swing it with cards likeAvacyn, Angel of Hope,Serra Avatar, titan forge,loxodon smiter,Obstinate Baloth, mirrorworks,Rhys the Redeemed,armada wurm, Felidar Sovereign ,Ajani's Pridemate etc.

so many combos, so much punishment in casual.
Posted By: JinChonRei (12/23/2012 1:11:34 AM)


Titan Forge

Yeah that seems nice with Selesnya. I mean, besides being just about the most horrifyingly heretical thing you could do as a Vorthos. Selesnya breaking Mirrodin cards? That's like....Treebeard with a Machine Gun.

It simply is not done.

But neither is Walking Into Mordor, and we already did that, so what the hell....

Treebeard, meet Optimus Prime! Optimus Prime, Treebeard!
Posted By: ParallaxtheRevan (10/14/2012 3:51:45 PM)


I'm going to make a Populate + Proliferate deck. It will be B/G/W, and will have Corpsejack Menace and Parallel Lives in it, AND Doubling Season, it will have infect and it will make people cry and I will love it and hug it and call it "George". :3
Posted By: DarthParallax (9/28/2012 9:07:50 PM)


Trostani + Serra Avatar, You gain life equal to your life total and an obscenely large creature. Profits.
Posted By: Biff_Steel (12/2/2012 6:26:24 AM)


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