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Community Rating: 3.827 / 5  (104 votes)
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At 3/3 this centaur is a force to be reckoned with, but also gaining 3 life? That is music to this pro's ears.
Posted By: Lotsofpoopy (9/26/2012 2:24:34 AM)


Why is this rated higher than Cathedral Sanctifier? For the same converted mana cost you get the same amount of power/toughness PLUS 6 more life!
Posted By: NickDay (10/31/2012 5:12:25 PM)


Have you noticed all the centaurs in this set are 3/3? This one's not a token, but it's still 3/3.
Posted By: azure_drake222222 (2/4/2013 5:06:16 PM)


A 3 mana for 3/3 common that nets you three life in Limited? Yes please.
Posted By: themicronaut (10/20/2012 1:25:45 AM)


In limited this just owns!
Drop it on turn 3 and basically negate the damage you've been dealt durind the last two turns. It's also a good blocker in the early game and if it manages to get through in an attack, it damages the opponent significally.

EDIT: It is also a common, so you can get multiples in your deck to give you a good amount of life gain.
Posted By: omnez (10/21/2012 7:19:22 AM)


Poor man's Thragtusk. I'm actually considering sideboarding this in against mono-red and zombies. Blocks Ash Zealot and Gravecrawler and trades with Vexing Devil and Gore-house Chainwalker while netting life. Seems relevant. Doesn't keep up with Geralf's Messenger, though, unless you're just trading hits.
Posted By: Twinsuit (11/23/2012 8:00:00 PM)


@Eternal_Blue Perhaps an Armadillo Cloak Pauper deck?
Posted By: brockdjwest (12/12/2012 3:25:49 PM)


Best common in Standard?
Posted By: DacenOctavio (12/24/2012 8:24:14 PM)


Initially I rated this guy 4.5/5. Now I think I was underrating him. I thought this guy was just a beast in Limited, but he's also kicking ass in Standard! He has just about the right body for a 3-mana creature, and the lifegain, as we've seen with Thragtusk, is actually pretty damn relevant. I'm bumping my rating up half a star to 5/5 because he's a common creature that can actually win games in Constructed.
Posted By: Continue (2/22/2013 8:58:56 PM)


Interesting compared to Selkie Hedge-Mage. The Hedge-Mage is 2/2 but gives you the same effect in mono green. Splash white, and you get a 3/3 body instead.
Posted By: james2c19v (2/26/2013 7:13:33 PM)


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