Lots of lines of text on a card that barely does anything. If you have tons of cards that need blue mana for c-upkeep, sure, I guess.... though this also has the same type of upkeep - argh!
Posted By:
(12/30/2012 3:30:07 PM)
This card fueled Cumulative decks. Snowfall put additional mana into the pool, so its effects stacked when more than one were in play. 3 Snowfalls on the board could fuel a deck for quite a long time, with 7 mana available for each snow-covered land tap. A Skull of Orm helped recycle a Snowfall when the cost got too high. Illusionary Terrain , Musician, and even Illusions of Grandeur come to mind, and later a Mind Harness. Eon Hub eliminates upkeep, making some of these cumulative cards playable again. But Snowfall is what we used in the "olden" days...
Posted By:
(5/12/2013 2:51:17 AM)