This ability feels much more Red to me. I know this sort of effect has traditionally been Blue, but it's a short-term gains effect which is flavorfully Red. Considering that Blue is able to get its fingers on a lot more mechanics than Red, R&D should move this over.
Posted By:
(7/6/2012 10:55:37 AM)
This art is, like, out of Lorwyn/Shadowmoor block. Outstanding.
Card? Ehhh, it's fine.
Posted By:
(7/6/2012 7:48:31 AM)
I don't know how I feel about combat tricks in Blue. Thankfully, the only trick with this card will be whether to draft it or throw in an additional Island instead.
Posted By:
(7/11/2012 2:24:36 PM)
I've NEVER liked this type of P/T trade ability. Oh well.
Posted By:
(7/20/2012 7:00:05 PM)
Slap a Defensive Stance on one of these puppies and go to town!
Posted By:
(8/15/2012 6:17:03 AM)
I wish the card was as good as the art.
Posted By:
(8/15/2012 12:05:04 PM)
If you like the art, check out his deviant art page for it...IT HAS A FACE!! You can't tell from the small art on the card. Amazing work. -->
Posted By:
(8/15/2012 3:26:38 PM)
How this is rated 2.9? remember this is a common card that is really nice in draft also there was a time when a common blue was a 2/2 for 3 and this has +1 in toughness and also that ability wich make a card like wall of wonder a rare in 7 edition, just please guys if u gonna rate this think a bit more before judge.
Posted By:
(8/15/2012 3:54:57 PM)
It has a face, and black lotuses on the ground, nuff said.
Posted By:
(8/21/2012 9:42:46 AM)
This guy is quite formidable in draft; I came second in a tourney and my three watercoursers must have killed about seven or eight attended knights between them, as those guys are everywhere. That extra toughness makes a real difference, and they can pack a punch when they get through.
Posted By:
(8/30/2012 3:19:56 PM)