A better Tranquility which gives you the option to leave your Armadillo Cloak unharmed.
Posted By:
(10/12/2009 3:39:21 AM)
Odd how Tranquility is rated higher, though.
Maybe it's because the art on this guy is... interesting. I'm not exactly sure how shooting off a rocket-fist destroys magic, but I'm sure he knows what he's doing.
Or it could be that the flavour text has a 100% increase in barely pronouncable syllable strings.
Posted By:
(3/26/2010 3:42:15 AM)
This is pretty ok! Anyone else remember when "pretty ok" was acceptable? When you opened a booster and didn't cry because you didn't get the 12/12 indestructible haste, firstrike trampler for 8 mana?
Posted By:
(12/27/2012 5:39:59 PM)
Man, Kolbjörn is something of a fanatic, isn't he?
He's talking about Kjeldor here!! Not Krov, which I would grok...
Posted By:
(3/9/2012 2:45:13 PM)