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Community Rating: 4.167 / 5  (189 votes)
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look at similar previous cards like junkyo bell, these cards don't have a huge effect on constructed formats. junkyo bell at least allowed you to attack with all of your creatures as well. she forces you to attack with only one creature, leaving you wide open for removal. much rather play an intangible virtue and attack with my lingering souls tokens. her saving grace is that she is a very aggressively costed, evasive creature.
Posted By: chaitel (7/11/2012 3:12:07 PM)


Killing one of these with a $0.05 Searing Spear is going to feel SO good
Posted By: DeliciousFish (7/16/2012 12:10:42 PM)


Something tells me I'll be seeing a lot of this girl where ever I go.
Posted By: Deco_y (7/5/2012 5:44:39 PM)


Got one of these at the prerelease. This with a couple other creatures and Rancor ends games pretty quick. Got another from my prize packs. Time to build a standard deck I think. I'll start with Gather the Townsfolk, Silverblade Paladin, Champion of the Parish.
Posted By: SwordOfKaldra (7/7/2012 3:47:17 PM)


T3: Cryptoplasm
T4: Sublime Archangel
T5: Phantasmal Image, Phantasmal Image, Swing 20

Magical Christmas Land aside, this card is nuts. Expect it to hit $25.
Posted By: Tapir (7/20/2012 8:17:24 AM)


Things I want to do in Standard:

T1: Forest, Avacyn's Pilgrim
T2: Plains, Silverblade Paladin unpaired
T3: Plains, Sublime Archangel paired with Silverblade Paladin, attack for 10 on the ground if I think I can get away with it
T4: Forest, Increasing Devotion/Geist-Honored Monk/Sublime Archangel, attack with Sublime Archangel for 20-24 in the air

But seriously folks, to make Sublime Archangel work optimally, you need a board position with several creatures, plus one creature that can go the distance (i.e. evasion, double strike, infect, and/or Inquisitor's Flail). Invisible Stalker and Fencing Ace are two low-cost options.

Alternately, you can use aut... (see all)
Posted By: Ragamander (10/8/2012 8:59:20 PM)


I would trade my nonexistent child for this card.
Posted By: LordBubbles (7/8/2012 7:17:41 PM)


So first they give baneslayer angel with just double white... THEN they give this thing to white!!! To be pared with something like silverblade paladin.... COME ON WIZARDS!!!! They do this to annoy the good players... I gaurentee it.
Posted By: Seth346 (1/8/2013 5:32:21 PM)


A lot of negativity over this. You know what kills exalted? Really simple stuff like bounce and creature tap engines. SLEEP.
Posted By: heavyterror (8/2/2012 2:32:51 PM)


Exalted stacks separately. So a creature with exalted already will in essence gain double exalted!
Posted By: SgtSwaggr (7/5/2012 5:54:20 PM)


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