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How is this not a 5 *? A 4/3 Self Exalted Creature with flying (evasion) for only 2WW...not only that, it gives EVERY other creature exalted; as well potential STACKS exalted with other exalted creatures. Annnnnnd this: Sublime Archangel turn 4, Phantasmal Image/Clone into Sublime Archangel turn 5 with 2-4 Human/Spirit tokens on the board. I cast Artful Dodge from either my hand or graveyard for an Island. No counter, peace out.

Creature Scale with 2 SA, (1-4 being creatures w/out being self exalted):
1: 10
2: 12
3: 14
4: 16
Posted By: K0rbl (8/10/2012 4:45:55 PM)


this card is an awsome turn 4 win........turn 1 ......manna dork... turn 2 silver blade paladin.......turn 3 sublime archangel .......atack for 10 double strike with silver blade.....turn 4 sublime archangel in the air for 14 .....(if you dont have any other creatures) ...could be more.....run some apostal blessings and some cloud shifts and then your golden.
Posted By: badboy453 (8/19/2012 6:30:14 PM)


SEPERATE INSTANCES COUNT INDIVIDUALLY!? Clone that sucker and call it a day!
Posted By: Plaid_Mage (8/20/2012 1:07:09 AM)


A exalted creature that is great in a deck that have no other exalted creatures? o_O
Posted By: ratrase (8/30/2012 10:32:58 AM)


Daenerys? Is that you?
Posted By: Lyriq (9/4/2012 9:10:23 PM)


This is a beautiful card! The art is quite nice too.

This was the main reason I was able to win a booster draft tonight.
Posted By: pzbw7z (9/7/2012 8:58:24 PM)


I've used Sublime Archangel in my angels/goblins deck, in conjunction with Krenko, Mob Boss and Akroma's Memorial. There's something to be said about having 50+ Goblins on the board, all with flying, first strike, vigilance, haste, trample and protection from red and black. Combine that with all my creatures being exalted, attack with one goblin = at least +50/+50. My death by ant bite, goblins attack has become a one strike devastating attack.
Posted By: runebloodshard (9/9/2012 6:24:01 AM)


How has nobody mentioned Rite of Replication yet?
Posted By: mrhardy12 (9/16/2012 3:02:56 PM)


yo dawg we heard you liked exalted
so we got you some exalted to make your other creature exalted
so when your creature attacks your exalted creature gets exalted and exalted, plus exalted from your other creature

(as per blindthrall's request)
Posted By: raptorman333 (9/18/2012 10:53:25 AM)


Swing for 9,156 damage using 4 copies of each of the following: Sublime Arhangel, Crackling Counterpart, Dance of the Many, Evil Twin, Phantasmal Image, Rite of Replication, Spitting Image, Vesuvan Doppleganger, Clone, Coursers' Accord, Druid's Deliverance, Eyes in the Skies, Horncaller's Chant, Phyrexian Metemorph, Rootborn Defenses, and Vesuvan Shapeshifter; Paying all additional costs such as flashback, kicker, etc. You end up with 88 copies of the Angel herself, and 16 other assorted birds and beasts from population spells. You swing with a 4/4 beast from Horncaller's Chant and exalted triggers 9,152 times. Now you know!! :D
Posted By: canucks123 (10/20/2012 5:34:39 PM)


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