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This reminds me of when cards were awesome. Whether it's any GOOD or not is beside the point.
Posted By: BillyBullshot (11/4/2009 7:19:34 AM)


A little risky, a little pricey, but completely playable. Especially in green, which doesn't have a whole bunch of tutors by itself. I'd imagine this could find use in a casual green ramp/combo deck or something.
Posted By: BongRipper420 (10/12/2012 7:45:10 PM)


Only use lands, creatures, and artifacts and need to choose one spell use mana severance.
Just get an opening hand with it, laboratory maniac, this card, and 4 lands.
Turn 1 land
Turn 2 island Mana Severance
Turn 3 land Laboratory maniac
Turn 4 This card Remove all other cards from your deck
Turn five laugh like a madman
If you know that your opponent has no removal it is a cool way to win if your deck can float with these cards in it and combo them in other ways.
Laboratory manic is already broken
This is a artifact version of Diabolic Revelation of sorts ( Just grab the cards that any one of which will make an evil combo and overkill upon collaboration, aka any broken artifact)
And mana severance just says hey i know you don't need lands and drawing them is a bit of a Johnny block to you lets just get those out of the way.
Plus i think there is a card that lets you play em from exile anyway.
Posted By: XaiviarNightwing (3/24/2013 5:44:05 PM)


In the lore, this required sacrificing an entire plane to power? It costs 4! Geez, Urza sucks at mana efficiency.
Posted By: Aquillion (5/3/2013 9:46:23 PM)


Would be cooler if it was "put into play."....too high of a cost. I would like to have one though just for the sake of it.
Posted By: GrimGorgonBC (7/4/2009 10:56:21 PM)


This is pretty good in a tribal deck with a lot of mana, or an artifact deck. You could pull your finishers and leave them there until needed... and if you want to avoid losing all your good cards, it could act as a delayed tutor (for 8 total) for x cards (one if you don't want to exile any others). I use it in a casual Elf deck to get elves and Coat of Arms.
Posted By: nammertime (11/28/2009 9:04:01 AM)



No. Mycosynth Lattice only turns permanents into artifacts. Permanents are objects that exist on the battlefield. The cards exiled by Mana Severance are cards, not permanents, because they do not exist on the battlefield. Mycosynth Lattice will not turn those land cards into artifact cards.
Posted By: adrian.malacoda (2/23/2012 9:24:21 PM)


not even kidding, love this card
Posted By: xsuperdude18x (10/16/2009 9:42:36 AM)


I had this card...gave it to a good friend as part of my collection when I want to college. But I'm going to get it back from him, to build a deck around. Should be fun.

I traded a lightning bolt for this, when I first got it though. The bolt may have had more functionality...but this was too good a trade flavor-wise to pass up. <3
Posted By: Lateralis0ne (3/23/2010 11:38:47 AM)


one "destroy target artifact" card pwned all removed cards and artifact
Posted By: vadaaaa (7/21/2010 5:37:36 AM)


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