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2/2 flier cantrip when it dies can be played in limited I've heard.
Posted By: Firesplitter. (9/26/2012 3:25:26 AM)


"Well, screw you!"

-Darkslick Drake
Posted By: DoragonShinzui (9/26/2012 11:35:14 AM)


Great perspective here, like the opposite of Selesnya Sentry.
Posted By: lorendorky (9/25/2012 10:43:21 PM)


Strictly Kingfisher.
Posted By: NickDay (12/24/2012 10:03:51 AM)


Eternal_Blue, limited is a big aspect of set-building. Almost 80% of all cards that are printed are made for Limited. The other 20% (maybe more) are made for constructed.

Also, you can't compare Solemn Simulacrum to this. It's like if you're comparing this to Darkslick Drake. ALTHOUGH you can argue that Darkslick is "strictly" better, it's uncommon. You just can't do that.

On that note, this is a much happier spell to play than Alchemist's Apprentice, but not as happy as Mist Raven. Card advantage in limited is one thing, but EtB effects in limited in a set where cards like Cloudshift exist... That's just awesome.

Also, this doesn't reference Storm Crow. ERMAGERD, 0.5/5.0
Posted By: Ferlord (1/5/2013 9:30:27 AM)


He probably hangs out with Aven Fisher for... whatever it is birds do when they hang out.
Posted By: SkyboundTerror (9/27/2012 12:42:04 PM)


Outside of Limited will not see play? Well... yeah, so? Still a good Limited card. Flying is always good, 2/2 for 4 is playable, and the card advantage is awesome.
Posted By: RedAtrocitus (10/7/2012 8:47:21 PM)



*cough*Aura Thief

*cough*Goblin Arsonist

*cough*Abu Ja'far

*cough*Perilous Myr

*cough*Black Cat

*cough*Academy Rector

*cough*Any of the Incarnations

*cough*The entire Zombie tribe

*cough*So, so many black cards
Posted By: tankthebest (6/19/2013 12:06:10 PM)


People that says that a card should not be played always annoys me... They are the worst kind of Spike player, that can't think in another way that it's not their own... However, nobody says that you have to hope to see this creature die. It's a nice 2/2 with flying, that get you a card when an opponent destroy it, or when the game proceed in the late game, because somebody else cast a bigger flying creature. If you wanted to actually draw card, you have should played Divination.

A classic for limited, that saw quite a lot of functional reprint (or better, this is another functional reprint):
Kingfisher and Aven Fisher...

Posted By: leomistico (9/7/2013 2:29:18 AM)


Upon close inspection, the last rune on the right appears suspiciously similar to a Phi.
Posted By: http404error (10/11/2012 7:15:49 PM)


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