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YES. This the one card in the set that I need. There may be others that I want, but this is necessary. Liliana's Caress might come out for this.
Posted By: blindthrall (9/28/2012 9:54:01 PM)


Compare to Quest for the Nihil Stone.
- This one is far easier to trigger and you can profit from it even if you don't run any discard cards.
- The quest can make them lose almost twice the amount, but their hand has to be entirely empty,
and you needed to make them discard two cards while it was in play.

Either way, both are nice 1cc black enchantment for discard decks.

It's usually more powerful in multiplayer than The Rack, which is otherwise superior.
But it's also somewhat harder to get rid of.
Posted By: Mode (9/30/2012 12:06:52 AM)


I think that this is about as close of a reprint that we can expect to The Rack.

Incidently, this card does the same damage at 0 cards, better by a life at 1 card. It is also life loss instead of damage and hits each opponent.

Okay, after reading my own comment... I think I may prefer this over The Rack. Time to pick me up a set.
Posted By: A0602 (9/26/2012 10:27:49 PM)


Combine with Isochron Scepter, One With Nothing, and Hive Mind. Not effective, but you basically won the game if they don't have a dominant field position. No spells to cast every turn due to handlocking, and this card slowly chips away the life total. Only usable if you want to brag that you've beaten players with One With Nothing. Which I totally want to do.
Posted By: Nucleon (9/25/2012 4:04:56 PM)


Ahh, I am glad this says "opponents" instead of "players". Into my Hellbent deck you go!
Posted By: Totema (9/27/2012 9:32:53 PM)


Will go beautifully in Megrim and Liliana's Caress decks. Their hand's empty and they're left with the dilemma: "Do I play it and definitely lose 3 life next turn? Or don't play it and possibly discard it and lose 2 life?"

That's where it really shines, a friend of mine's discard deck always runs into the problem of not being able to deal that last bit of damage.
Posted By: brilliantmumbler (9/25/2012 6:08:47 PM)


The Rack 5 through 8. Taste the pain.
Posted By: MRK1 (11/21/2013 9:26:02 AM)


I hope this is a sign that we will see many more cool Gargoyles in the future for the Orzhov. They have amazing flavor and Innistrad didnt really touch on them to much.

And on the card, its pretty cool, but more interesting than playable. An object of curiosity and intrigue rather than legitimate use.
Posted By: Tsuichoi (9/27/2012 10:42:20 PM)


Let me fix that for you
*Black sharpie line over "3 life"
*Write "the game"

Posted By: Lord_of_Gelectrodes (9/26/2012 1:19:45 PM)


This will be a new staple that pros like me will use for our discard decks.
Posted By: Lotsofpoopy (9/27/2012 7:48:35 PM)


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