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This is a functional reprint of The Rack and is what one need to run a discard deck in Standard.
Posted By: Ratazana (1/9/2014 3:37:56 AM)


This + Stab Wound = AWESOME

I won with that combo once at the prerelease.

A little hard to make useful. there are plenty of good discard cards available anyway. and unless the deck has cards to let your opponent draw, they'll be whittling their hand back down to 1 or zero each turn, trying to outrace the life loss with other spells, while you've already gotten plenty of spells and creatures for defense, or to finish what this card makes easier.

Posted By: MaDaZi (9/29/2012 7:25:38 PM)


there are more artifact hate than enchantment hate..

Shrieking Affliction: 1, the rack: 0..

the rack can hit planeswalkers..

Shrieking Affliction: 1, the rack: 1..

so which one to use? I think I would go with a split between this and Shrieking Affliction. They both do almost the same thing so diversification seems better.
Posted By: zenitramleirdag (10/11/2012 1:27:58 AM)


this is NOT for a megrim deck nor for a nihil stone deck. this is the substitute for the rack. if you ever played hypnotic specter or disrupting scepter with the rack you should know what a discard deck lock is. your opponent doesn't know if play the card and lose the life or keep it and lose it. THAT is a discard deck.
Posted By: don_miguel (10/12/2012 9:00:38 AM)


I would actually be fine with this as a Rare.
Posted By: DarthParallax (10/17/2012 9:44:39 AM)


This has an interesting interaction with desecration demon and your choice of discard spells. They either take a hit from a 6/6 at the smallest to get away from the enchantment hitting them or they play and sacrifice those creatures to avoid him but get hit with the enchantment.
Posted By: OceanicSphinx (11/1/2012 11:42:37 AM)


Running 4-of in a Rat tribal deck I just built for standard. Ravenous Rats, Drainpipe Vermin, Duress, Appetite for Brains, Wit's End- their hand is gone quickly, and with Sign in Blood and Underworld Connections, I can draw a couple of these babies and have them stack for some seriously aggressive lifeloss. Pack Rats as a 4-of for a more combat-oriented finisher. Playtested it against Azorius Control and Bant Midrange this week and beat them both. Rats are comin' up. I hope Gatecrash has a few more for me.
Posted By: Doaj (11/23/2012 12:24:21 AM)


I built a deck centered around the combo in this and Skullcage. With a few copies of Mind Rot, 4 Drainpipe Vermins, and Triumph of Cruelty, eliminating your opponent's hand is very easy, and they lose 5 life a turn.
Posted By: SirLibraryEater (12/22/2012 8:02:11 AM)


A necessary card that needed to be made.
If you want a fair Zur EDH deck, discard isn't hard at all to achieve, since most good discard permanents are 3-cost or less enchantments (Necrogen Mist, Bottomless Pit, Oppression, Liliana's Caress/Megrim, etc..)

That doesn't mean people won't hate you, but at least you won't be playing Necropotence immediately...
Posted By: Ferlord (1/8/2013 11:57:17 AM)


3/5. A little known gem in limited. Great against aggro decks. Wait until they've exhausted their hand and then drop this.
Posted By: chrome_dome (1/12/2013 11:07:06 PM)


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