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Excellent in black aggro. I can see myself running it alongside Treacherous Pit-Dweller, threatening a 4/4 trample turn 3 if there's nothing to stop it, or larger later on. Cryptborn Horror's biggest issue is vulnerability to Vapor Snag: re-casting might be a tricky prospect later in the game.
Posted By: LordRandomness (9/27/2012 4:53:34 AM)


Hey there. War Elemental called. He says he wants to party.

Without many free or low-cost sources of massive direct damage, Cryptborn Horror isn't really going to thrive in Standard. Neither Thunderous Wrath nor creature combat damage seem reliable enough (though I am a bit tempted to try chaining Flings together to get the damage through).

Alternately, if you can manage to stall for a huge amount of time: Havoc Festival. Although if you've just drained half of your opponent's life, you should probably just burn them to death.

Rather, I see him finding a home in more casual formats alongside Seal of Fire and Fireblast. Alternately, EDH, where there's enough mana to, say, Exsanguinate four opponents for five each and then cast a 20/20 trampling Horror.

@Wurmcaller: Ryjhan's combo actually works; Worldfire... (see all)
Posted By: Ragamander (10/5/2012 8:15:42 PM)


combine with oblivion ring and worldfire for maximum lulz.
Posted By: Ryjhan (9/30/2012 8:32:40 AM)


@Osprey - he would've been 42/42 as Shepherd deals damage to you too. And you probably got teamed when, y'know, you caused a 42 point swing in a single turn. Cryptborn just made it much more obvious.

In any case... decent. Has a lot more potential in MP if you can somehow put it out on an opponent's turn, as it then requires no extra mana or cards from you (as long as other players are beating on each other). In a typical deck though, to get it at curve or above it's usually going to require more mana, more cards, or both. I saw the comment about Heartless Hidetsugu, and that illustrates the point - one of the easier synergies to set up, yet requires you to first play a 5 mana creature in order to get value out of your 3 mana creature.

Really, the best idea is to put it in a fast aggro deck. Turn 1 Stormkirk Noble, turn 2 Rakdos Cackler x 2, turn 3 6/6 trampler for 3. After having already dealt 6 damage, on turn 4 you're looking at 13 and one very unhealthy looking opponent. Of cours... (see all)
Posted By: JaxsonBateman (4/11/2013 10:19:12 AM)


This can easily come down turn 3 as anything from a 4/4 to a 6/6. This will see standard play at some point me thinks.
Posted By: .Blaze. (9/25/2012 5:27:44 PM)


This card alone swayed me from being a 100% Izzet League Fanatic, to sneaking out to the Rakdos pleasure houses when Niv isn't looking. Amazing art and not to shabby card either when it's used properly.
Posted By: Redgurr (9/26/2012 2:28:48 AM)


Rakdos had an affair with a witch? Interesting....... this card is obviously their baby, and boy does it show.
Posted By: Goatllama (9/26/2012 10:00:27 AM)


Seems like it would work nicely with a Vexing Devil. Turn 4: start with Vexing devil. They take four, to prevent it? Too bad. You took 4, and still have to deal with a 4/4, that tramples. Next turn, swing, and Fling, and play a second one, no?
Posted By: Coralus (9/28/2012 10:31:20 AM)


this card has loads of potential. don't blow those loads.
Posted By: lorendorky (9/26/2012 12:50:53 AM)


Multiplayter EDH, this + Heartless Hidetsugu
Posted By: Demento_Recraves (9/26/2012 2:27:09 AM)


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