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Reaper of Sheoldred? When did you get new art?
Posted By: MattLynn (5/19/2013 10:23:54 AM)


Put it in my Golgari deck during the prerelease. It was usually about a 4/4. If it hits play any bigger than that, you're probably already winning.
Posted By: The_Murderauder (7/6/2013 2:31:13 PM)


"@Ryjhan- That wouldn't work because Worldfire just sets each player's life to 1; it doesn't deal damage or cause players to lose life. It's like the difference between erasing a 20 and writing in a 1 instead of calculating 20 - 19. So in this case, your Horror would come back and promptly go into the graveyard, unless you dealt any actual damage that turn."

Worldfire's ruling says the following:

"If your life total is greater than 1 when Worldfire resolves, the change in life total will count as life loss. Other effects that interact with life loss will interact with this effect accordingly."
Posted By: Thingummy (7/10/2013 5:26:20 PM)


For everyone saying this is or Rakdos, both of you are wrong this a Gruul creature with Bloodthirst X, where X is the amount of life lost by players this turn.

Anyone consider this a slight flavor failure?
Posted By: Leuitikos (10/28/2013 11:30:25 PM)


Excellent followup to turn 1 Rakdos Cackler and turn 2 Madcap Skills or, if playing Modern, Fists of the Demigod. It can easily drop as a 4/4 or 5/5 after that.
Posted By: Manite (11/15/2013 11:31:37 PM)


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