Another member of the azorois x/4 blocker wall of doom that probably bounces a centaur or something when it hits the field. Pretty solid limited card.
Posted By:
(10/29/2012 6:22:15 AM)
Its Obi-wan Kenobi
5/5 Stars
Posted By:
(12/1/2012 1:48:41 PM)
I was wondering if it was the toughness that accounted for his cost, as Aether Adept was pretty much just a chump blocker post bouncing....
Posted By:
(12/5/2012 3:14:31 PM)
He's expensive, but since he's one of only two cards that have this ability in standard, he becomes important in, say, a flicker deck. With my flicker deck, he's in with Mist Raven to control the board. Since it's a long-term game, getting 5 mana is not an issue.
Posted By:
(12/6/2012 11:44:18 AM)
Cloudshift can make this guy a threat. Or any blinking card, really. His usefulness does not simply end after he is cast!
Posted By:
(12/25/2012 6:57:50 PM)
Very expensive, but I can see where it is going. You can throw him into a Human build and use their flicker effects to bounce creatures back to the hand. 4 Toughness lets him survive 3 burn damage.
Posted By:
(1/4/2013 11:58:37 AM)
2/5. An overcosted. underpowered Aether Adept. In limited, its a little better, 3 to 3.5 out of 5.
Posted By:
(1/12/2013 9:38:16 PM)
An excellent tempo/token killing wall in limited. The 1.5 rating is bizarre. I guess that's what happens when people compulsively rate cards they've never used....
Posted By:
(1/29/2013 5:19:04 AM)
Combos well with Faerie Impostor to bounce it back to you.
Posted By:
(4/20/2013 5:02:54 AM)